Chapter 14

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It's been a week since I sewed Luca up, a week since he killed Noah, and almost two since he made me his hostage. I don't see him too often. He comes into my room to bother me occasionally. Every time he visits me I tell myself I won't be as tense around him, but I always am, no matter how hard I try not to be.

I asked Luca if I could have my phone back. He only threatened to shove his dick down my throat. What's with him and that? It only makes me laugh and throw a threat back his way. Something stupid like, 'not if I shove my dick down your throat first'. He called me childish for saying that. I had a completely immature smile on my face when I did. It was hilarious to me. He's said it a thousand times but when I say it, there's a problem.

Since he didn't allow me my phone, I ask for something simple. A pencil and a sketchbook. The best he could find to be exact.

He brought me back way more than what I asked for, to which I was very grateful. Sometimes he treats me well, other times he's screaming at me, threatening to kill me. I called him a psycho to his face and he didn't like that. He took away all my art supplies and locked me in my room for three days. He treats me like a kid and it's horrible because I feel like one because I'm not able to do anything about it.

When I'm not locked away in my cell, I like to alternate between the three places I'm allowed to go without permission. My room, the living room, and the kitchen. I'm allowed outside if Dario agrees to go with me. I rarely go out because Dario always claims to be busy. Sometimes he'll catch me staring at the ceiling or counting how many maids walk past me, before asking me if I want to go out.

We sit outside right now. Dario sits scrolling through his phone because he knows I can't have mine, and I stand in the backyard smelling flowers or laying in the grass just because. I would get in the pool but it's been under maintenance these past couple of days. I don't think I've ever been this bored in my life.

"Dario, when will the pool be ready?" I call to him from the garden. He sits in a chair, its front legs are off the ground.

"You've already asked me that, Echo." He doesn't even look at me.

"Yeah, and ya didn't answer me," I say walking towards him.

I snatch his phone from his hand, hiding it behind my back. He looks up at me. His blue eyes look so much softer than Luca's grey ones. They don't scream 'I want to kill you'.

"Give it back, Echo."

I slowly back away from him, a wide smile on my face. "Come and get it." I need something to do, so I'm gonna bother Dario.

"You want a head start?" Those words fill my bored heart with joy. "Run," he says.

I take off towards the pool. I hear him behind me no less than five seconds later. I can't control my laughter, I know he's gonna catch me so I can't make it this easy for him. Once I reach the pool I dangle his phone above it. He stops. The smile on his face disappears. "Echo, I swear to fucking god," he says pointing at me. "Come on, what do you want? I'll bring you out here every day next week."

He's lying, I don't believe him. I walk closer to him, his phone is just within his reach when I toss it up into the air. Dario jumps into the pool catching the phone right before it hits the water. "The first and fucking last time I ever try and have fun with you, you're evil,"
He shouts. He holds his phone up in the air as he treads through the water.

I can't do anything but laugh. Maybe if he'd done as Luca asked and kept me entertained he wouldn't be in this situation.

He gets out of the water and I'm too busy dying from laughter to notice his fast pace toward me. When I do notice him I try running, but it's too late. Dario grabs my wrist and harshly slings me into the pool. I come up from beneath the water, wiping it away from my eyes. "I literally hate you so much right now."

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