Cahpter 36

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We've been sitting in this chilled room on the dusty concrete floor for hours. Liana and I talk a bit but it's hard to hold onto the conversation when horrific thoughts run wild in my head.

Ivan Petrov walks through the steel door. Everyone stands to their feet the second their eyes land on him. I stand as quickly as I can too; I don't want to stick out.

Ivan makes his way in front of a rather small girl. She stands at about five feet tall and she's mostly skin and bone. Her sapped legs look like they might snap under the little weight they hold, and her dirty white dress boasts holes as big as her face. The end of the fabric is ragged like it's been shredded by a dog.

"#96743, Nico has offered a substantial amount of cash to have you for a second year. You will not participate in the auction this year. You are his, he's bought you again."

From across the room, I can still see the girl's eyes water. I can see a scream threatening to gust from her throat. She holds it back, only stifling a deep breath before speaking. "Yes, Master."

That enrages me. He has these girls calling him master like they're slaves. This is lurid. I thought Luca was bad, but these people are fucking deranged.

Ivan turns to Liana. "Same for you #98756. When the auction starts you two will still go on stage. You will be announced before you're escorted to your owners."

This man can't even be decent enough to call them by their names. It's clear that he will do whatever he can to dehumanize them.

Ivan walks over to me, bringing himself only inches away. "Well, aren't you a pretty one?" Every word that slips his lips comes out like he's just run a marathon. "I would take you for myself, but I'm sure the millions you'll sale for will be a lot prettier."

Ivan traces my jaw with his finger. I hold my breath because his is telling my stomach to toss whatever's inside.

"You're number will be #99670, forget about your name, sweet girl."

Sweet girl. He'd just called his daughter that earlier, and now he's associated it with a girl he wouldn't mind buying and doing unspeakable things to. That's revolting.

He turns away from me bringing himself to the center of the room.

"The auction will be held three days from now. I suggest you girls get comfortable."

"Ms. Krone!" He shouts.

In walks a middle-aged woman. She wears glasses that are connected to a crystal eyeglass chain, and heels that could reach heaven if they were an inch taller. She wears a bright red dress. It tightly hugs her body making the fat around her waist look like she's swallowed a hula hoop. The smug look on her face tells me she isn't the friendliest.

"Let the new girls know the rules and what happens if they step out of line."

Ivan leaves and Ms. Krone begins her speech.

"First thing...don't try to run. We're heavily secured. Two, if you are told to do something by an authorized figure here, you do it. No questions ask. And three, don't speak unless spoken to. A violation of any of these rules will earn you a punishment."

Her lecture was strict and sharp. I got every word of it.

She looks down at the chart in her hand. "Numbers 99670 and 99672, come with me."

Another girl and I get up to follow Krone out of the room. She leads us across the dressing room and into a shower room. During our walk, I notice that nearly everything is concrete and there are no windows. We must be underground.

"Remove all of your clothing, you can keep your undergarments. Put this on when you're done." She hands us one raggedy dress each. They look like they've been worn a million times before.

Krone watches us as we slowly undress. I remove my shirt first. When I move down to my pants, I feel Luca's knife I'm my back pocket. There's no way I'm giving it up.

Krone looks away for a split second and I take a chance. I bring the knife from my pocket and quickly slide it up between the elastic band of my bra and my skin. It sits there, perfectly snug.

I finish getting undressed and slide on the dress.

Krone turns around to look at me; her brow raised. She takes slow steps toward me before looking down at my chest.

She knows.

"Well isn't that a pretty little jewel? How much was it?"

I pause before realizing she's referring to my necklace. The one that Luca gave me. I only just now realize I'm still wearing it. I should have taken it off when I left him.

"I-I...don't know, it was a gift."

She grabs hold of it before snatching it from my neck. My lips part to speak but they quickly retreat. If I say something, she will surely make my three days here miserable.

"Well it's mine now," she says walking away.

"No." The word faintly spills from my lips.

Krone stops in her tracks. She slowly turns to see me, my necklace dangling in her hand as she does.

"No?" Her head tilts as a smile unfolds across her face.

"Give it back. I want my necklace back. It's mine." My voice raises to a confident tone with that last sentence.

Krone quickly walks towards me and before I can figure out how to react, her hand shoots across my face. I stumble back, my vision blurs and my head spins in a daze.

Krone steps closer and grabs my face. "Did you forget already, maggot? Rule number three, don't speak unless you're spoken to." She pushes me to the ground.

Something takes over me. A rage I've never felt before. This is humiliating, I want to make her feel the same way.

As Krone walks away, I get up from the floor. My hand travels up to the band of my bra. Right when my fingers touch the blade, a hand places itself on my shoulder.

I look to my right. The redhead I came in here with, slightly shakes her head. "It's not worth it. They'll kill you," she whispers.

Her words are enough to settle my rattled nerves. I push the blade back in place as Krone exits the room.

The girl and I follow after her. She takes us back to the room we left before.

Psychotic Love (a mafia love story)Where stories live. Discover now