Chapter 11

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Before we left Luca's house he wrapped my wrist in gauze. He kissed my wounds over the gauze before wrapping it with a dark red ribbon. Sometimes I find it hard to hate him, but he's one of the reasons I did this to myself, so I continue to hate him.

We pull into the driveway of this huge house. There are many people. Women in fabulous dresses and men with extravagant cars. Luca parks. "Remember what I told you. I don't want any problems. Don't talk to anyone, don't even make eye contact with anyone."

I think about nodding but that never goes well with him. He always wants me to speak to him. "Okay," I whisper.

Luca lets me out of the car and we make our way inside. Immediately, a sense of not belonging fills my body. Everyone here looks so rich and expensive. I'm neither of those things. My family and I always managed to stay just above the poverty line.

An older man approaches Luca. "Pa, how've you been?" Luca says, shaking his hand before embracing him in a hug. This is his father. It makes sense, they have those same sharp cheekbones. They're the same person, his dad's just gray-haired.

"I've been well, mio figlio. How's being capo treating you."

What the hell is a capo?

"It's been all I thought it would be and more. I'm enjoying it, to say the least. I do have to update you," Luca looks down at me "later." He finally says.

"And who might this be?" His father looks at me holding his hand out for mine. I place my hand into his allowing him to give it a polite shake. I don't know if I should answer his questions, but this is Luca's father so I'm sure he won't mind.

"I'm Echo Whitlock," I respond.

"Nice to meet you, Echo."

"Nice to meet you too..." I look for his name.

"DeAngelo, DeAngelo Caputo." He emphasizes 'Caputo', as if it should turn on some kind of light bulb in my head. It doesn't, I just give him a smile.

"Which mob are you from?" I raise my eyebrows at the question. Mob? Luca quickly intervenes, pulling his father to the side.

"Pa, she's not affiliated." I hear Luca say.

"What the hell do you mean? Why the fuck would you bring her here then? No outsiders, you know that. If anyone finds out they'll kill her. Why is she even with you?" DeAngelo throws a slew of questions at his son. They concern me. I feel like I should definitely be worried.

"Keep your voice down, as long as she's with me she'll be fine. I dare someone to touch her."

"Luca, I know you can protect her, and no one would even think about stepping to you, but you still haven't specified what you're doing with her."

"Well, you've been telling me it's time I marry. I've decided, I want her."

My heart bangs against my chest like a drum. I can't marry Luca. I won't marry him. What the hell makes him think he can just scoop me up and make me marry him? He'll have to kill me first.

"If you're not going to marry for status or connections, I think it's best you find someone who grew up in this life, someone who will understand. What's going to happen when she refuses to be a part of this?"

Apart of what? What the hell are they talking about? A mob?

"I'm sure she knows better than that, at this point. Besides, we don't need any more connections. I can marry who I want."

This has to be some crazy lucid dream. I close my eyes tightly only to reopen them. I'm still here. Luca's still talking to his father and he sounds very sure of what he wants. It doesn't sound like his father's words are influencing his already made-up mind.

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