Chapter 23

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It's been three months. By now, if I never left home again, I'd probably be in a college dorm. I haven't even said anything to Luca about that.

Luca seems to trust me a bit more. I can go outside on my own and after getting into this huge fight about my freedom, he has allowed Vic to come over every now and again. As long as she agreed not to say anything about where I am. She only agreed not to say anything because I asked her not to.

She should be here in a bit. Luca always has someone to drive her here. She says that she's always forced to ride in a car where you can't see outside, but you can see inside. I thought that was funny, when you get your windows tinted, things usually go the other way around.

Today she's gonna ask him if we can go shopping under a guard's supervision. I begged her not to, but she says Luca doesn't scare her.

Every time she says something out of line Luca gives me a look that definitely says control your friend, but Victoria Hill has a mind of her own. She will say what she wants and not even I can stop her.

He won't touch her though, Luca knows I'd never forgive him if her did anything to her.

The doorbell rings. Luca gets up from beside me to answer it. After pausing The Maze Runner and putting my popcorn to the side, I follow behind him.

Luca opens the door. Vic's smile is wide until she catches sight of him.

"Luca." She blankly greets him.

Before he can speak she pushes past him. Luca gives her a dirty look, as if he caught a whiff of something putrid.

Vic runs over to me, her heels clicking with the marbles floors as she does so. She cheerfully cups my face.

"Oh, how I've missed you!" Vic shouts with a horrible British accent.

She wraps me in her arms swaying me side to side. She's so dramatic.

"I missed you too." I laugh.

Vic let's go of me placing her hands on my shoulders. She takes in a big breath, as if preparing herself. Vic turns around and I know exactly what she about to do. My heart literally sinks to my ass.

She walks up to Luca, he just stands there with his arms across his chest.

"Echo and I are going out today."

Fuck! She said she was gonna ask.

"Are you asking me or telling me?" Luca's brows frown.

Vic throws her head back with a huff. "CAN...Echo and I go out today?"


Vic turns to me. "See, this is why you never ask. You just do it." She turns back to Luca. "Why are you so fucking impossible?"

Luca looks over to me with an annoyed look plastered on his face.

"Okayyyy!" I grab Vic's arm pulling her away from Luca before he decides to get crazy.

"Luca, please. I've been inside this house for three entire months, I'm going absolutely insane," I say.

I give him my best pleading face.


"Really?" My brows raise in surprise.

"Yes, but if you two do anything I don't like, it's gonna be your ass on the line. And be back by 7:00." Luca says that with all seriousness. I take a big gulp before nodding my head.

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