Chapter 58

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Darkness, but I feel the light creeping into my conscience. Fingertips, I move them ever so slightly. Voices, I hear two. Luca. I know that cavernous voice anywhere. The other, not so familiar. A young girl maybe.

I push to reach him, but my conscience is coming back like a sun rising in the morning. Slowly but surely, I feel myself bringing life back to my body.

"Luca, her fingers are moving," the girl says. Her voice echoes.

I feel a hand on my arm. It's warm and gentle. I know that touch, it's him. I flutter my lids trying to force them open. And then those warm hands meet my face and cup my cheeks. "Echo? Baby, can you hear me?"

Yes. I can. I keep pushing until my eyes are half open. The bright white light feels like a thousand suns at once. He grabs my hand before I can even see him. I gently squeeze his hand, and it's enough for Luca to send a tear falling onto my face. I get my lids open only to be met with those eyes of steel. They're glossed over and full of relief.

A lazy smile pulls at my lips. "Luca," I say. It comes out like a sigh written in solace.

He laughs, "I'm here, princess."

"Are you crying?" I giggle, reaching out for his face. Giggling hurts. It's Like laughing after an intense ab workout.

"No," he blatantly lies.

He comes in to kiss my forehead. "I missed you. I knew you'd come back."

Suddenly, I'm hit with the memory of what happened. "I'm sorry for stabbing you. I didn't mean to, I didn't know you were coming. I...I thought you weren't coming." My eyes water as the memory of how hopeless I was hits me harder than a train ever could.

He shakes his head. "Hey, don't apologize. That was probably the most badass thing I've seen you do. You should be proud, even though you missed all things vital," he teases.

I laugh and push through the pain as I do. "Leave me alone, you're lucky I didn't hit your heart."

I finally acknowledge the presence to my left. I turn my head to see a young girl. She twists and turns the colorful beaded bracelet on her arm as she looks at me with her big green eyes.

My head snaps back to Luca. I'm confused. "This is Maya," he says. "I found her when I was looking for you. She's been staying with me for the past month or so."

"Hi, Maya." My voice comes out a little hoarse.

She waves as a giddy smile skips across her lips. "Hello, are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," I nod. My body is actually aching and I'm dying for some pain meds, but I'll be fine.

Maya's eyes never leave me after I answer. "You are as pretty as he said."

"Aww, thank you. You're very beautiful yourself." She truly is. Her green eyes pair very well with her ginger hair. It's long, nearly waist length.

Luca heads for the door. "Wait! Where are you going?" My heart begins to beat at an unfathomable speed. I don't know what this sudden feeling is, but it's scary.

"I'm just going to get a doctor, baby. I'll be back."

I slightly hold my hand out for him as he turns to walk away. "Wait!"

He turns and his brows are furrowed with concern. "Echo, I'll be back, okay? I promise." He says that almost astonished at my reaction.

My hand falls back into my lap. "Where is he?"

"He's being handled. He can't hurt you, you're safe." I hear him. But I get this feeling of uncertainty. I am safe, I get that. But I don't feel safe. Not without him.

"I'll be back," he says before leaving.

I talk with Maya a bit. She tells me all about how grateful she is for Luca. She tells me about how he helped her get back in school, how they watch movies together nearly every night, and how he makes the funniest jokes. I don't get it. Luca can be caring, but this is a whole other level. Luca, movies, every night, jokes? No way we speak of the same man.

I was surprised to learn Maya's age. She looks a lot younger than she actually is. She's 16, which is super close to my age. I think we'll be good friends.

Luca comes back with a grey-haired man in a long, white lab coat. He checks my vitals and checks my breathing with his stethoscope. It's wrapped in colorful yarn.

I look up at Luca the entire time, never taking my eyes off him. He looks tired, dark circles carry heavily underneath his eyes. He's let his facial hair grow out a lot more. I like it. It makes him look...older. I think I have a problem. I giggle.

"What?" He smiles.

I shake my head. "Nothing, I'm just happy to be with you again."

"Are you in any pain at all?" The doctor pushes some things through my IV.

"My stomach's really sore. My body is aching, I feel weak."

He nods. "That's to be expected. You've healed amazingly since you've been here though. Do you remember what happened?"

I nod.

"Okay, good, good."

"Echo, I have to tell you a couple of things," Luca says.

"My mom. She's gone, isn't she? I figured."

"I'm so sorry, my love. I shouldn't have lied to you about her. I was being selfish. I took away a lot of the time you had left with her, and for that, I truly apologize."

"No, you shouldn't have lied. But I forgive you."

He shakes his head and sorrow fills his eyes. "Don't forgive me, Echo. I don't deserve forgiveness. I don't deserve you."

I reach my hand out for his face. He leans in to make it easier for me. "I forgive you, baby."

He smiles through tears. I kiss his cheek.

"I love you," he says. And I smile as bright as the sun.

The doctor finishes up with me and leaves.

"The baby," I say. "I was pregnant. He uhh...he was forcing..." As I try to explain myself, my voice cracks and tears begin to fall.

"It's okay, baby. I know. You don't have to explain. Just know he'll get everything thing he deserves. You don't have to worry about seeing his face ever again, okay?"

I nod. "Okay." But that's not entirely true. I'm sure I'll see him in my dreams. I'm sure my mind will allow every little thing to remind me of him.

"Where's Vic? Can I see her?" My heart grows hopeful. I haven't seen her since we went to the mall together. What if he's still upset about what happened?

"Of course, you can."

"Can you take me home? I don't want to be here anymore."

Luca sighs. "Yes, but no one is there. You're dad's gone and-"

"No, Luca. That's not my home anymore. My home is with you."

He smiles. "Okay, I'll take you home, baby." he kisses my forehead.

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