Chapter 59

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I grip Luca's hand tightly as we walk up the steps of the house. He wanted to carry me but I need to do this on my own. If he carries me everywhere, I won't get better.

My body hurts like hell. Pain surges through me with every step. I look up to see how many are left. 4 to go. Almost there. On the third to last stair, tears began to spill. This shit hurts.

Once I clear the last step, Luca scoops me up. "That's enough for today."

"Ugh, Luca. I said I could do it, and I did. I can walk. Put me down."

"Listen, you're strong. I know you can do it but why do it if you don't have to? Why be strong when I can be strong for you? You can always lean on me, Echo. Okay?"

I take his words in. He's right, I can depend on him, but what about when he's not around? I need to be certain I can depend on myself too.

"Okay," I say.

When we get inside Luca and I sit on the couch, watching Maze Runner: The Death Cure. It's the last movie in The Maze Runner trilogy. Luca and I never got to watch it. I wanted Maya to join us, but Luca insisted that it should just be the two of us. It's fine though, I'm enjoying this time with him.

He lies on his back with his head propped up on the armrest. I lie on top of him with my head on his chest. I soak up all the warmth his body has to offer. His pheromones flood my nostrils. Smells like home.

I find myself snuggling into him trying to get closer, but unfortunately, I'm as close as I can get. Both of his hands are placed on my back. He grazes up and down my back underneath my shirt, his fingers following my spine. It's calming, I feel myself drifting away into the peace he brings me.

Luca's ringing phone pulls me from the comfort. It startles me. He pulls the phone to his ear. He speaks in Italian and I can pick up absolutely nothing. I do pick up on his body language. He's more tense, his brows are frowned upon, and his tone is dark.

I look up at him as he speaks, his gaze meets mine. His face relaxes before he brushes my cheek with his thumb, he continues to speak.

"Is something wrong?"

He shakes his head no, while still listening in on his conversation. I can't tell for sure but it sounds like Dario on the other end. I want to see him. I wonder if he's missed me.

Luca sits up. I take that as a cue to get off of him. He gets up from the couch, still on the phone. "Luca?"

He holds up one finger before continuing on. What's wrong? Something's wrong. Luca walks away. I get up to slightly limp behind him. I feel like a clueless little puppy, looking for answers.

When Luca gets to the kitchen, he finally hangs up. "I have to take care of something, I'll be back." He turns to walk away.

"Wait, no. Where are you going?" I grab onto his wrist.

He turns to me, releasing himself from my grip, only to grab onto my wrist. "Echo, don't question me right now."

Just that quick he becomes cold. Fear overcomes me as the memories of what he's capable of come rushing back. I look into his eyes of steel, looking for the Luca that was just holding me. The Luca that was just telling me how much he loves me. I can't find him.

My eyes tear up, and I catch his softening. His grip relaxes. "I'm sorry, Echo. I didn't mean to scare you. I just have something I need to take care of."

He turns to walk away again, but I don't let him. "Don't leave me, please."

He can't leave, not now. I don't want to be away from him. The last time we split, things went everything but good.

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