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Infinity Joy Hartley | 22
Jae was looking at me a bit awkward knowing she fucked up. I looked over at her and back to my phone cus I wasn't tryna mind her.

"Hey." She said quietly.

I ignored her and continued on with my phone.

"C'mon Fini don't be like that." Ny said.

"Don't be like what, Ny?" I asked putting my phone down.

"She obviously picked the side she wanna be on, so as far as I'm concerned this shit-" I pointed to her and me.

"don't need to be talked about." I finished off.

"Don't you got a nigga ass to be up in?" I asked mugging.

"Fini I'm sorry." She said.

"Like I ain't hear that shit before." I sucked my teeth.

"You pick a wrong nigga, let him treat you like shit, get mad at me for telling you to leave him and when shit goes left, I'm the one rescuing yo ass. Just to hear yo ass give me a stupid ass sorry and "I ain't gon do it again" ." I scoffed as she sighed.

"At this point I don't even give a fuck no more. Go on ahead and let that nigga dog yo ass out but don't you dare come back to chilling wimme thinking shit's cute. Cus it ain't." I checked her and went back to minding my business.

She looked over at Ny and passed her by to go downstairs.

"Girl wait." Ny called after her.

She looked at me and widened her eyes.

"What?" I said.

"That was cold Fini." she answered.

"What can I say? The truth hurts." I snobbed and she shook her head and went downstairs.

Maybe I was a lil harsh but she always does this shit. Then I'm the bitch for calling her out on her bullshit?

Hell no. She needed checking a long time ago and I kept my mouth shut for a good minute.

I got off my phone and turned off the tv.

Ny came back in the room and mugged the shit out of me.

''What?'' I asked pouting.

''That wasn't cool, Fini.'' She folded her arms.

''And what she did wasn't either, but I don't hear nobody talking bout that.'' I said.

''That's ya best friend. Plus she apologized.'' she went on and I was starting to get mad again.

''How many fucking times has she apologized for her bs and did it again?'' I raised my voice.

''Aye don't get at me now. I'm only tryna help.'' she said.

''Ughh, you right. I'm sorry.'' I sighed.

''Look y'all need to find time to talk this through cus y'all not about to let this ruin y'all's friendship.'' Ny explained and she was right.

''Me and Mari finna headout but y'all better fix this okey?'' she said and I gave her a thumbs up.

''I'm serious Fini.'' she closed my door and soon after I heard the door close downstairs.

That's when I got up and went downstairs to lock my doors and turn off the lights. Before I was able to turn off the lights, somebody knocked on my door.

''These girls prolly forgot something.'' I said unlocking the door.

When I opened the door, it was the last person I expected standing in front of me. Terell.

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