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two weeks later ....


"What do you mean half the cars we sold are malfunctioning?" I asked worried

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"What do you mean half the cars we sold are malfunctioning?" I asked worried.

"I think it's a problem in the system. The cars drive good for a solid 4000 miles, after that the breaks start tripping and the gas pedal is faulty." Nova explained.

Nova is my lil sister and COO of my company. When shit goes south, I'm expected at the office. That's why I'm here.

"How many complaints you got?'' I asked pacing around my office.

''Bout 750.'' she so regularly said.

''Shit. Mufuckers could sue us.'' I said and she huffed.

''Alright, return they money. In full. I need a full inspection of the system, maybe we need to hire some new people to delevop an advanced setting in our tech, so that this shit don't ever happen again.'' I sternly spoke, as she wrote everything down on her iPad.

''Bet, gotchu big bro.'' she smiled and I felt a sense of relief.

''How you been tho, big head?'' I asked and she kissed her teeth. I chuckled.

''Stop calling me that shit.'' she spoke. ''All is well. I'm finna move in with Zayne soon.'' she smiled and my eyes lit up for her.

Zayne is her boyfriend of 3 years. I had my reservations about him, but he a cool dude. And he treat my sister well. That's all I ever wanted for her.

''That's dope. I'm happy for you.'' I smiled. ''Thanks bubba.'' she said.

''But what about you? How's ya life with the infamous Fini, I still haven't met yet?'' she snarked.

I smiled hearing her mention her. ''It's great actually. And she coming thru right now, so you finna meet her in a bit.'' I spoke looking at the time.

''What?" she exclaimed. "Nigga a fucking headsup would be nice. I woulda wore something better."

I chuckled at her antics. "Relax, you look fine. Plus what would you have worn to work differently knowing my girlfriend coming to meet you?" I asked and she snickered.

"What?" I simply asked. "You love saying that she yo girlfriend, don't you?" she said and I cheesed nodding.

Moments later, I heard a soft knock on my office door. I already knew it was Fini.

"Come in." I said smiling and standing up.

She softly opened the door and revealed herself. Her hair was freshly did and she had on a cool lil boss fit.

 Her hair was freshly did and she had on a cool lil boss fit

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