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Nielly 💙

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nyfolife just a bad bitch, in her bad bitch era💋

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I left out the bathroom and entered back into the bedroom before posting my video to the gram.

"Baby you got a packag- Damn." Nyear said cutting himself off. I smiled at him and took the box out his hand. He was just standing there with his mouth in an o shape.

''Thank you baby.'' I said before giving him a peck on the cheek.

He scrunched his face up and after I put the box away, he grabbed me by my neck and kissed me with passion causing me to moan in the kiss.

Then he bit my lower lip and pulled away resting his forehead on mines.

"What I tell you about them sorry ass cheek kisses?" he mugged me and I chuckled even though I was a bit annoyed.

"Nigga, I told you when I just had my lip combo done to not kiss me on my damn lips." I said thumping his head.

Outta no where he pinned me to the wall and pushed his finger to my forehead.

''Who you talking to like that?'' he told and I couldn't help but laugh.

''Boy gone somewhere. You ain't scaring nobody.'' I told moving his finger and walking away.

''Think cus you looking good it means you can talk crazy. It don't mean shit.'' he said and I walked back into the room.

''It don't?'' I spoke smirking getting closer to him.

''No it don't.'' he said and I started to rub his chest till my hands came to his shoulders.

"You sure about that?" I said looking him deep into his eyes and he did the same.

''Oh I'm sure.'' he spoke and I slowly went up and started kissing his neck.

Sucking on it and biting a bit, I definitely left some hickeys there.

"Ooh." he said softly.

''You sure?'' I said softly against his neck and proceeding to kiss it again.

"Mmm..damn, I-I ain't sure." he whispered and I smiled in my kisses before pulling away and he instantly locked lips with me.

His hands slid down to my booty and he massaged them with his big ass hands.

The kiss deepened fast and we was moving so aligned. Our tongues intertwining in each other.

I had shivers running down my spine.

"Take off your clothes." he demanded against my lips.

I took his hand and placed it right on my zipper and he unzipped my bodysuit. After that I took off my shorts and I was left in my black lace underwear.

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