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Infinity Joy Hartley | 23
Location | In the car

Infinity Joy Hartley | 23Location | In the car

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"Dumb ass traffic

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"Dumb ass traffic." I said standing still in between two cars.

It was a long night of work and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep.

Since the kiss, I still wasn't on speaking terms with Kai. I was tired of him messing with my head and trying to play me.

I also decided to give it a rest on Terell cus I was starting to think he might get the idea that we'd get back together but that ain't ever gon happen.

He had been calling me non stop and it was getting crazy, so I had to block him.

After bout a hour or so, I got home and parked my car.

Once I made it to my door, I noticed my door was open. I instantly realized somebody had broken in. So I took my pistol out my purse and held it low before pushing through the door slowly.

When I opened it fully, my whole place was trashed and I wanted to cry but I had to make sure nobody was still there before going crazy.

I checked every room of the house until I found a note written on my mirror.

"You can't block me out forever, baby."

- TJ

I dropped my pistol to the ground cus of fear after reading that.

Then I realized how crazy TJ truly was. He trashed my whole house because I blocked his ass.

I took a quick pic of the note and got to my room.

I took some clothes and put them in my suitcase. Grabbed my notebook and all the other shit that was important to me or was still good and I got the fuck up out of there.

Once I got in my car, I wanted to call Kai so bad. But I called Flocko instead.

"Wassup Fini?" he said tired.

"Flock I need a place to stay for a bit. Terell trashed my place." I said pulling out the driveway and making my way over to his house.

"Shit. You on yo way to the crib right?" he said rapidly.

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