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Infinity Joy Hartley | 23
Location: The Bar Downtown

Infinity Joy Hartley | 23Location: The Bar Downtown

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❤️💬↗️liked by tjsonotsorry._ donttouchmari_ nyfolife and 23,000 others

standbyfini_ falling fast hurts more, but you getting back up makes it worth more

donttouchmari tell em fini 👏🏾🫡
nyfolife i see you girll 💕
ellestaybad._ speak on it👂🏾💗

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"Here you go sir." I said passing a customers drink.

Since it was very calm, I decided to head start on cleaning the glasses cus my shift was almost over.

"Hey girl. You leaving?" Janae my coworker asked.

"Yeah my shift bout to end. I cleaned most of the glasses already so you just clear the bar and fix the last customers they drinks, ight?" I said and she nodded.

I folded my apron and waved her goodbye as I left.

When I got outside I was on my phone so I didn't notice someone walking up towards me.

"Sup Fini." a familiar voice said and I looked up to see it was Terell.

"What Terell? I told you to not come near me again remember?" I said bluntly and walking.

"I know I just wanted to say thank you again." he said guilty looking and walking at my pace.

"Yeah it's fine just leave me alone." I said walking away.

"Fini wait. Please just lemme talk-

''Nigga do it look like I fucking want you in my space? No so leave me the fuck alone.'' I raised my voice and walked away towards my car.

As I was walking I sighed and stopped in my tracks.

I ain't have to be such a bitch to em.

Everything in me told me to just keep walking but my dumbass turned around and walked back to him.

I better not regret this shit.

''Hey?'' I said and he looked back at me.

''I'm sorry for yelling at you like that. I'm just having one of those days but I shouldn't take it out on you. You were just tryna thank me.'' I said.

''You don't gotta apologize for anything. Cus someway, I think I got sum to do with you feeling down, correct?'' he asked and I heavily nodded.

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