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Nielly Kioné Timmons | 24
Location: The House

Nielly was limping around the kitchen making some alfredo pasta when Fini limped into the kitchen as well

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Nielly was limping around the kitchen making some alfredo pasta when Fini limped into the kitchen as well.

Fini tried to hide hers cus she didn't want Ny to ask any questions but the moment she turned around she noticed.

"Girl why you got a limp?" Fini asked very suspiciously.

"Bitch you know why." Ny chuckled and Fini tried to tip toe her way out.

"Not so fast honey." she stopped in her tracks and turned around.

"Why do you got a limp?" she crossed her arms and her whole demeanor showed she already knew.

"Uhh, y-ya know I fell off the bed and shit." she lied and Ny nodded not believing a word.

"Bitch if you getting yo back blown out by Kai you can tell me." she snarked and Fini smiled sighing.

"Girl how was it?" she asked smiling.

"Girl." Fini dragged out biting her lip.

"Girl?" Ny eyes widened and Fini nodded.

"Girl." she pouted flirtatiously.

"Girl?" Ny said excitedly.

"Cus, girl." they both dragged out and laughed.

"But girl?" Fini asked referring to her.

"Girrl." Ny dragged rolling her eyes back.

"Girll?" Fini spoke excitedly.

"Girl hooo." Ny sighed and Fini laughed.

A/N: the girls that get it get it, and the girls that don't don't. And if you on get it, you just not that girl.

All of a sudden they heard something hit the kitchen door.

"The fuck?" Fini mumbled.

"Hollon." Ny walked over and slowly opened it and Kai and Flock stumbled getting in.

"I told you to not get so close nigga." Kai mumbled to Flock.

"Y'all was eavesdropping?" Fini crossed her arms.

"I mean we tried, couldn't understand shit of that lame ass code language y'all got." Flock shrugged and Fini and Ny laughed.

"Oh I did."  Kai licked his bottom lip looking at Fini and her eyes widened.

"Wait huh?" she scratched her head causing Nielly to chuckle.

"Yeah I grew up with mostly girls so at a certain point you get the hang of it." he spoke and Fini was baffled.

"Forreal dawg?" Flock was mad confused.

"Yeah. Nigga why you think I was cheesing and laughing the whole time." he tapped Flock on the chest and he laughed.

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