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I watched how Kai was basically shaking in his boots, standing in front of my parents house

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I watched how Kai was basically shaking in his boots, standing in front of my parents house.

"You nervous baby?" I asked smiling and he turned to me and shook his head.

"Nah I'm cool. It's just a lil cold." he covered and I chuckled.

We went ahead and knocked, moments later my mom swung the door open and greeted us with the brightest smile.

"My baby." she yelled pulling me into the tightest hug.

Not gonna lie, I missed my momma. Her hugs were always so warm and loving that you could almost forget that you couldn't breathe.

"Hey momma." I said with the little bit of air I could catch.

She let go to take in my looks before her eyes shifted to Kaiel who was smiling his ass off.

"Hi Mrs. Hartley." he said and she smiled back and gave him a nice hug as well.

"Hi Kaiel, oh my what are you handsome. Why you ain't bring him by sooner Fini?" she sorta mugged me.

"I like her." he said causing her to laugh.

"I like you too baby." she said before closing the door behind us.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, Mrs. Hartley these flowers are for you." he handed the bouquet and my moms eyes lit up.

"Oh thank you darling and please call me Joy." she stretched.

"Yes ma'am." he said.

We followed into the main living room of the house and there was my dad.

"Daddyyy." I squeeled running towards my dad.

I was a perfect example of a daddy's girl. But moms was my best friend forreal.

So you could call me both.

"Suga welcome back." he said hugging me tightly.

Kai was standing behind me a lil shook. Who could blame him, my dad was 6,7ft .

Taller than almost all my boyfriends, but Kai was the tallest guy I ever dated so he measured close.

"Who this nigga?" My dad joked and even Kai laughed.

"Daddy this my boyfriend Kaiel." I said and Kai blushed a bit.

"He got good sense of humor. Nice to meet you son." Daddy dapped him up and Kai seemed chilled.

"Likewise sir." he spoke.

"And yo, whatever you doing keep doing it cus I ain't ever seen my baby this happy." Dad said and Kai exchanged looks wimme.

"I sure will sir." he gave my dad a nice smile and I could already imagine them getting along.

"You play ball?" Dad asked Kai.

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