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- hey love, sorry it's been a minute💋


When I walked into the bedroom, annoyed, I plopped on the bed and decided to turn on the tv

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When I walked into the bedroom, annoyed, I plopped on the bed and decided to turn on the tv.

Moments later, Kai walked in with a look of guilt on his face.

I muted the tv and sat up straight, clasping my hands together.

''You ready to talk now?'' I asked and he slowly sat on the bed and nodded.

After a heavy sigh and face rub he started to talk.

''Me and yo brother, met a while back when I used to bang.'' he started off and I listened.

''We were soldiers together and he kinda took me under his wing. Was like a older brother figure type shit.'' he explained and I hummed.

''We was real tight but one day when we were sent on a job, shit went sideways.'' he said.

''I don't know why, but we was sent to rob a daycare.'' he spoke and my eyes widened.

''The nigga we worked for was talm about daycares be carrying loads of cash and he wanted me and Silence to hit it.'' he explained and I squinted my eyes.

''Wait.'' I cut off. ''Silence? You mean that crazy nigga who didn't give a fuck about nothing but cash? What he got to do with this?'' I asked and he immediately gained a sad look on his face.

''It don't matter.'' he shrugged.

''Kaiel, you finna tell me and you finna tell me now. What do that nigga got to do with you and my brother?'' I stated.

He took a deep breath and looked away for a sec.

Then he looked back at me.

''Silence is Symphony.'' he revealed and my heart dropped.

''My brother?'' I asked tearing up and he slowly nodded.

''And you said daycare. Silence, the nigga that shot up a whole daycare for a couple hundreds? My brother killed innocent kids for some cash?'' I exclaimed letting out my tears.

''I didn't want you to find out from me. I slipped.'' he explained.

''It's fine. I woulda never known, if it wasn't for you.'' I sniffed wiping my tears.

He grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled me towards him, embracing me.

I hated being lied to or feeling betrayed. And my brother was my best friend, so for him to do this shit to me...


I slowly started sobbing and clenched Kai's chest as he comforted me.

"I'm sorry." he spoke and I sniffed and moved back shaking my head.

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