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Jaelle Rose Parker | 22
Location: The House

Jaelle was in the kitchen when she heard the doorbell ringing.

"Aye Flocko, somebody ringing the door." she called as she was making her sandwich.

She received no answer.

"Don? Kai? Could y'all get the door?" she yelled again.

The girls wasn't supposed to go outside and she thought that also applied to them answering the door.

I mean what if it was Terell? After sighing cus nobody answered, she grabbed a knife hiding it behind her before walking slowly to the door and peeking through the peephole.

She rolled her eyes after seeing who it was before opening the door.

"What the fuck are you doing here Mani?" she asked with attitude.

He sucked his teeth. "I'm here for KD, you mind?" he said before passing her and getting in.

"Yes I do." she said shutting the door.

"Well too bad cus I ain't going nowhere." he said abrupt.

"How you een know where we was at? Cus Flocko don't een fuck with you like that." she snarked folding her arms.

"Because before, this house was used for real emergencies and they involved all of us." he started off.

"Not some hostel for a bitch who didn't catch a crazy ass nigga from jump." he said and she started to get heated.

"Look motherfucker." she said harshly causing him to turn to her

"You can cuss at me and call me all the names you want but you not finna disrespect Fini." she said very seriously and he smirked.

"Because unlike my dumbass, she saw you for the sorry ass mufucker you is from jump." she said and he ain't like that too much.

"So don't you dare call her a bitch when yo ass couldn't be more pussy." she ended off and with that she wanted to leave but his ass pulled her and pushed her against the wall cornering her.

"Get out my face bruh." she said tryna get out of his hold.

"So what you think you real gangsta now huh? Talking to me like that?" he said still not getting out her face and she just looked to the side not facing him cus she was irritated.

"Remember who you talking to son." he said pointing to her face.

"Nigga I'm talking to a bitch, it ain't hard to remember." she said and he paused.

"Jay I ain't playing with you." he said and then she laughed.

"And then you laughing like shits funny." he mugged her.

"Cus you laughable nigga. Tryna scare me like you gon do something." she stated.

"Who said I was tryna scare you bruh?" he said calmly.

"Then nigga what you tryna do?" she said and he looked her up and down and smirked.

"Boy bye." she said abrupt and he laughed.

"Stop playing like you on wanna laugh son." he said smiling and she still kept a semi straight face.

"See this how you get me." she shrugged looking away.

"What you mean?" he said pulling her closer by her waist.

"This, nigga." I said getting out of his hold and walking away.

I stopped in my tracks cus I wasn't done talking.

"You steady acting all cute wimme. Just to make me want yo ass again and then treat me like shit, nigga." I said kinda hurt and for the first time I felt like he actually listened.

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