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3 months later....


"Girl no, yo nigga really got another bitch pregnant?" I exclaimed as my nail tech client was explaining

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"Girl no, yo nigga really got another bitch pregnant?" I exclaimed as my nail tech client was explaining.

"Yup. Four years, down the motherfucking drain." she told and before she could even finish her sentence her voice cracked and she started to cry.

Her face was a lil funny looking though, so I had to keep myself from laughing.

"Aww girl, don't cry. You'll find better, he ain't the nigga fa you then." I assured as I directed her hands in the uv lamp stand to cure.

After a bunch of tissues and receiving $250 dollars later, my client left and I was done for the day.

Being a full time lash and nail tech, takes up a lot of my time but I can manage.

I remembered I had to call Fini and check up our pregnant momma since she was already 7 months preggo.

"Hey mamaaa." I exclaimed as she picked up the ft call.

"Hey." she simply said.

"Damn, at least try to make a girl think you wanna talk to her." I told pouting. She sighed.

"I'm sorry girl, I just been all over the place lately." she huffed and I started to feel bad for my girl.

"I know babe, I was just kidding. How you been feeling? How are things with Kai?" I asked wondering.

"He been trying, but I don't know I feel like everything just annoys me so I keep having a attitude with him." she explained and I listened.

"But he still keeps trying to make me feel better and good, so I feel so bad about it but I can't help it." she told tearing up.

"Yeah my momma had that too while she was pregnant wimme, they call it- Perinatal depression." she finished my sentence.

"My doctor already diagnosed me. She says it's caused by stress." she told rubbing her face.

"She did say it's not severe, yet." she added and I got worried.

"How is it being treated? With meds?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Nah it ain't that bad yet. I'm just in therapy again. Last time was when my sister passed." she told and I nodded.

"Yeah I remember. But honey, you got this. And we got you. You gon get through this okay?" I assured tearing up a bit and she cried nodding.

"I love you." she said and my tear fell.

"I love you too girl. And if you need anything, anything at all, I'm just a call or text or shout away alright?" I said and she nodded.

"Alright. But girl I gotta go, but talk to Kai and let him be there for you. Okay?" I asked and she nodded.

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