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I stared at Marcus and suddenly found it very difficult to talk. I always thought he was attractive, but I never looked at him in any other way than just as an acquaintance or Coles boss. Now with him sitting in front of me, I couldn't help but notice his perfect smile attached to his perfect face. I tried to focus on what I wanted to say but failed miserably. I blamed the lack of concentration on the alcohol and searched my brain for a logical response. I also felt very stupid for calling him and cursed my lack of better judgment.

"I'm waiting" he prodded gently when I failed to respond. Seeing my obvious struggle, Marcus flagged the bartender down and ordered a couple of waters and a beer.

"Are you hungry?" He looked over as I nodded and added an order of sweet potato fries. I was extremely grateful as I suddenly realized I was extremely hungry.

"Well, like I already told you. Cole is cheating on me." I stated calmly, taking a deep breath in before I spoke" I went home and caught him in bed with my best friend." I choked on the last word as a wave of sadness washed over me. Saying it out loud made everything feel a lot more real.

"So what did they do when they saw you?" Marcus asked. I glanced at his face and saw him looking at me with pity. That's the one thing I didn't want from anyone. I knew what Cole did was unforgivable, but that was on him, I didn't need pity, from others, for his actions.

"They didn't do anything. I decided to not confront them. I walked out and came here" I shrugged.

He looked surprised. "They didn't see you?"

"I don't think so, but I'm sure they heard my exit. I wanted to scare them a little so I let the door slam as hard as I could as I was leaving," I giggled. I knew it wasn't funny. But I imagined their faces and for some reason that brought me a moment of satisfaction.  I hoped I ruined their perfect evening.

Marcus POV

I smiled at her giggle. It was cute, and if she wasn't in the situation she was in, I would have turned on my charm.

I sat and thought about her admission. I wasn't overly shocked that Cole was cheating on her but I was slightly amused that he would do so with her friend.  I knew exactly who she was talking about as it would take a fool to not see Elise's infatuation with Cole. I was more surprised that Ana didn't pick up on their relationship earlier.

I also noticed that in the last year or so, Elise would often accompany Cole and Ana to dinners and other functions. Cole gave me a sob story about her having no one and them trying to be there for her. But when Ana wasn't around they would act way too close and cozy for just being platonic friends.

The bartender dropped off the waters and I pushed them both toward her. She needed to hydrate and eat something before she left the bar.  Ana put the straw in her mouth and took a sip. I immediately focused on her lips and let my mind wander off for a moment. She had a little droplet of water left on her lip which she slowly licked clean with her tongue. I suddenly felt my sweatpants become a little tighter.

She continued to play with her straw and I took in her features. She had perfectly full pink lips, piercing grey eyes, high apple cheeks and long blonde hair that accentuated her face.

I couldn't believe someone would be stupid enough to cheat on someone like her. She was breathtakingly beautiful, kind, smart, and had the most amazing body I'd ever seen.  Even in her basic dress pants, her ass was amazing.

When the fries arrived, I made sure to pass them her way and encouraged her to eat. I made small talk and asked questions about where she grew up and life in general. I could tell that she was crying earlier and I wanted to take her mind off the situation at hand. When she got up to use the bathroom I paid the bill and waited for her in the hallway that lead to the bathrooms.

When she finally stepped out, she was barely able to stand. I tried to offer my hand for support but she declined to take it.

"You're cute you know that?" She leaned back against the wall and looked at me, a sly smirk appearing on her face.

"Ana, are you ok to walk?" I asked still amused at her comment. I knew she wasn't thinking straight so I held back the urge to kiss her. When I noticed she was about to fall, I picked her up bridal style and carried her out to the car. I placed her in the passenger seat of my car and buckled her in. When I noticed her shivering, I pulled off my sweatshirt and placed it over her like a blanket which caused a soft smile to appear on her face. I stared at her for a brief moment and, when I was sure she was sleeping, kissed her on her forehead and closed the door

As I pulled out of the parking lot, I replayed the evening in my mind I couldn't help but smile. Tonight ended up being a lot more interesting than I anticipated and was very thankful that Cole was dumb enough to lose someone like her

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