#1 on the list

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Ana's POV

I strolled up to my hospital and walked into the lobby, holding my head high as my composure held on by a thin thread. Last week I was accused of horrible and unspeakable things, I was hoping the last 24 hours would change people's negative perception of me.

I had glowing performance reviews and had never been sued for malpractice. I never even received a negative review from any patient or their family. The accusations and the lack of faith in my innocence shook me to the core. I believed my administrators should have done more to protect me. Instead I was let go without as much as a courtesy meeting to explain my innocence.

As I made my way to the elevator I noticed people's glances and heard their whispers. Just as with my last visit to the hospital, No one approached me or greeted me as they would have before this whole fiasco. My heart sank a little as, secretly, I was expecting a better reception.

I called Sanders earlier this morning and requested a meeting. I was still terminated and wondered if he was going to rescind my firing and apologize for thinking the worst of me. I walked into the waiting area and let his secretary know I was there. She made the call and seconds later ushered me into his office. She gave me a small smile before closing the door behind her.

"Ana, so lovely to see you" Sanders outstretched his arm and shook my hand eagerly "please sit"

I stared at him, waiting for him to speak the words I wanted to hear.  After staring at each other uncomfortably, he finally cleared his throat and spoke.

"So what can I do for you Ana?"

I blinked, confused at his question.

"I came to speak to you about my job, as you know, I was set up and proved innocent. No charges were brought against me and the real culprit was arrested. I wanted to know what you are going to do to rectify my termination"  I crossed my arms and patiently waited for his response. You could see a bead of sweat appear on Sanders forehead.

"Well of course we are looking to reinstate you. We just have to go about it in the best way possible. We have to think about the reputation of the hospital" he looked uncomfortable as he spoke. He started shuffling papers on his desk and glancing at the door.

"What does the reputation of the hospital have to do with me? I didn't do anything wrong and was the victim in this whole situation" I began to feel my blood boiling, threatening to spill over the edge.

"Well, it has nothing and everything to do with it. I know you were wrongly accused, but the accusation was put out there. We have to tread carefully. The stakeholders felt it would be best if you took a prolonged vacation and talked to us in a few months.  We can figure out a way forward then" he gave me a sickly smile.

"I see" I continued to stare at him. More sweat appeared on his forehead. "Ok, well. I guess we are done here"

I see relief on his face as I start to get up.

"This whole scenario, was quite interesting wouldn't you say? The kind of thing that would gain international attention. A cheating boyfriend, a scheming doctor, and a poor innocent woman who was wronged in every way. Wronged by her boyfriend, best friend, and the hospital she was so loyal to. I can't wait to see what the public opinion will bring. Maybe I'll end up writing a book" it was my turn to smile sweetly, "come to think of it, I don't think I'll need this job after all. I think I can do incredible things without this place. I'll make sure my lawyer calls you and figures out what my compensation will be for this whole mess". I got up and started walking out.

"Ana wait, let's talk about this rationally. You don't need to get lawyers involved" he looked incredibly nervous "I'm looking out for everyone's best interests"

"Obviously not mine" I stared at him challengingly "but it's about time I start looking out for myself. Goodbye sanders"

I walked out hearing him call my name but I didn't stop or turn around.

When I entered the hospital I wasn't sure what my actions would be. I told myself my choice will be dependant on how my conversation with sanders goes. I was looking for an apology and wouldn't settle for anything less. I knew that I would be ok financially. Based on my treatment at work and Elise's smear campaign, I would receive a decent settlement from the hospital and her. I was going to ruin her financially.

I called terry and, as I filled him in, could practically hear him smiling on the other end. He told me not to worry and that he would take care of everything. He then texted me the name and number of a great realtor and told me he was expecting my call.

Number one off my list was completed.

I entered a small coffee shop, grabbed a latte, and seated myself in a comfortable nook. I loaded up my computer and sent off a couple of emails and resumes to attendings I've worked with before. I also checked my inbox and wasn't surprised that numerous news outlets were looking for an interview.

For the first time in my life I was nervous and unsure of where my career path would take me. I needed to accept that nothing would be the same as it was and just go with the flow. I learnt a lot about myself and knew I was stronger than I ever thought I could be. I just needed to believe that everything would be ok.

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