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I finished packing all the things for that I believed I would need for the new place. I left most of my furniture behind for cole, deciding that I wanted my new home to fit my style completely. I also didn't want any reminder of Cole at my new property.

I found the most amazing condo overlooking the ocean. It didn't have a "direct" view of the water but it was close enough that when you laid in bed at night, you could hear the waves crashing onto the shore.

The new hospital and staff were amazing and lifted my spirits when I visited to introduce myself. I was walking around pretty depressed since I said goodbye to Marcus. He never messaged or called after he left, which led me to believe that he never truly cared at all. If he did, he would have fought harder for me to stay.

It was what I needed to confirm that my decision was the right one.

I brought the final boxes to my car and began to force them in to fit. Once I was done here, I would make the 16 hour drive, breaking it up into two or three days. I wanted to stop and see a few things before I officially moved to Canada.

I pushed down the feelings of sadness that crept up and closed the trunk of my car.

And then before I knew what was happening everything went black.

I remember nothing.


I woke up in the hospital and could see it was early morning as the sun was just rising.....or was it setting?

I tried to focus my eyes on the window, looking outside, and screamed in pain. A women, who I believed was a nurse, came rushing in. She fumbled around with something and moments later the pain eased.

I opened my eyes and cautiously focused on my surroundings. The nurse squeezed my hand and told me to take my time. When she was convinced I wasn't going to pass out she informed me she was going to grab the doctor and rushed out of the room.

I noticed a shape sitting in the corner of the room staring at me. Or at least I think they are.

The shape got up and came towards me.

"Detective Monroe" I tried to speak, my voice coming out in a horse whisper.

"Shhhh, don't strain yourself. Take it easy" she grabbed a cup of water from the side table and brought it up to my lips. I took a careful sip, knowing that I should pace myself, even with water.

"What happened to me" I asked, trying to remember anything that would bring me to how I got here.

"You were attacked Ana, someone tried to kill you"

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