Final Decision

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Ana's pov

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I stared at Marcus, my mind going completely blank. I tried, several times, to respond but nothing came out.

When he continued talking and started proposing a life changing position, my blank mind began racing.

I was weighing every situation carefully. I felt like I was at a crossroads knowing that any decision I made would deeply affect the rest of my life.

I stared at him. Silent for what seemed like eternity.

He asked me to stay for him.

He said he cared, felt something real, but it wasn't love.

Could it be love? Did I love him? I think I did.

I wanted him, I needed him, I wanted to stay for him. To make it work.

Before I could even think, my mouth began to speak. Words came out that didn't sound like mine.

"Marcus, I know what I feel for you, and it's much more than just caring. I do believe I am falling in love with you. I think I knew when you came to grab me from the restaurant. When you looked at me and I couldn't speak, I think I realized it already. You have been someone I've known for years on the sidelines. I envied the person you are. You are smart, kind, funny, and compassionate. You always checked in with me when you didn't have to. You did the small things that I realize now mattered, the things that made you always stay in my mind." I began to feel myself chocking up, making it harder to talk, " I think that we could be happy. I believe that we would be......if we met at a different time. As different people"

I saw his face change into confusion as he processed what I was saying. As the realization hit him, his face turned to stone. His eyes no longer held any warmth for me.

"I see, so you've decided?" Was all he responded.

"Yes, I'm going to Vancouver Marcus." I closed my eyes and heard him move. When I opened them back up he was no longer there.

I let myself cry.

I promised tonight would be the last time I cried for the life I lived here. Tomorrow would be a new day and a new start. Tomorrow I would leave the me I began to hate and work on the person I wanted to be.

I picked up my glass of wine and went inside the house. I put the glass away into the sink and grabbed the rest of the bottle. I brought it up to my lips and began to chug it all back, almost vomiting in the process.

Chugging wine was not something you do for fun, but it got the job done.

I felt numb. I needed to be numb.

I stumbled to bed and as I drifted off I whispered "goodbye Marcus"

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