Moving on

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I made my way to my room, ignoring my mother, as she stood by the counter waiting for me patiently. When I didn't make eye contact, she left me alone knowing well enough that I wouldn't want to be bothered. I sunk down onto my bed and replayed the whole evening in my mind as I cried uncontrollably. Every emotion I tried to suppress until now I finally let out. I cried for everything I went through and for everything that I lost, my life and dreams shattered in mere weeks.

I contemplated my future and debated my next step. I knew I couldn't stay here anymore and decided that a fresh start might be what I needed. I would be sad giving up this home but I knew, in my heart, that I could never remain here. It held too many memories which included some of my happiest moments and some of my worst. 

Coming through those doors everyday wouldn't bring me the same comfort and joy it once did.

I made my way into the bathroom, washed my face and changed into my nightgown. I wanted to shut my brain off for the night as I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I crawled back into bed and forced all the thoughts out of my head. With a blank mind, I finally drifted off into a deep slumber.


"Pancakes are made. It's almost noon, get up!" I heard my mom yell from the other side of my bedroom door. I grumbled out loud and grabbed my phone to check the time.

I sat up in surprise, She wasn't kidding, it really was noon.

I threw my hair in a bun and walked downstairs, into the kitchen, while taking in the mess at the same time. My mother was a great cook, just not the tidiest one.

Growing up we had a system. She would cook and I would clean up the kitchen afterwards.

There were days that I truly believed I was getting screwed over in this deal she made up.

I pushed down my irritation and sat at the table as she brought over a couple of pancakes and syrup.

"Thanks" I mumbled as I shoved a large fork full into my mouth.

She shook her head at me, hiding a triumphant smile. She knew food was my weakness and I would talk when fed and full. After the third pancake I let out a satisfied moan and gestured her to proceed with her line of questioning.

"How did it go with Cole last night?" She asked cautiously, eying me in the process.

"As good as you would think. He asked me to marry him, so that was fun" I rolled my eyes as I recalled his proposal.

"You have got to be kidding me, he didn't?" her mouth dropped open as she waited for me to answer,

"No, not even slightly kidding mom, it was as horrifying as you could imagine" I reached over for another pancake and plopped it on my plate. I was going to eat my feelings away.

"Well don't leave me in hanging here in suspense, what did you say?" She poked my arm, like an annoying child, prodding me to respond.

"I yelled at him.....I told him to get lost. I don't remember my exact words but I think it's safe to say that maybe he got it"  I stood up and started tiding my kitchen. My mom sat in my vacated seat and continued to shake her head in disbelief. I glanced over at her and was overwhelmed with love and gratitude. I was happy she was here in my time of need and considered myself lucky that I had people around that loved me so much. I gave her a quick hug and placed my plate in the sink.

"I'm going to get dressed and head down to the hospital". She nodded and took over the cleaning. Relieved that I was getting out of another mess, I hurried to my room and got ready for the day.

Today was the start of the new me and I just hoped I had the courage to follow through with what needed to be done. 

Coles POV

After I left Ana's house I drove around aimlessly for hours. I no longer had a home, a girlfriend or a rewarding job. All were lost due to my own stupidity and selfish needs.  I didn't know how much worse it could get until my phone rang. I quickly grabbed it hoping it was Ana calling to let me know she made a mistake and accepted my proposal.

My heart sank instantly when I saw It was Marcus. I debated letting it go to voicemail but knew that I didn't have the upper hand here,

"Yes" I placed his call on Bluetooth and waited for him to speak.

"So you left Ana's?" More of a statement then a question.

"Yes....what do you want Marcus. I'm really not in the mood for a friendly chat and would rather be left alone" I whined to no one in particular. I knew he wouldn't care about my feelings and would continue regardless of what I said.

"I have decided that you're going to shift focus onto a new venture in the company. You're going to be moving to the New Yorks office lab. Consider this as a kind gesture for all the work you have done for me in the past. Your reputation, as of tonight, is that of a social pariah. New York is the best place for someone like you to start new and rebuild yourself out of the limelight. You will train a batch of new sales associates and work off of their commission as well as earn your yearly salary. Think of it as a stepping stone into management." I frowned at the offer. Although, on paper, it was generous as hell....all considering, it would keep me far away from Ana and too busy to win her back.

"I need to think about it" I replied, not wanting to ask any further details at this time. I wasn't going to get into it with Marcus. I was too broken and beaten to argue at this time. I was just hoping he would let it go until tomorrow.

"Well, don't take too long, you have 12 hours to get back to me. It's that or you no longer have employment. We can talk severance if that's the case." And with that, Marcus hung up.

I dropped the phone into my lap and continued to drive remembering the day I met Ana. I recalled all of the good that I had and lost. I clutched onto my steering wheel with a new resolve.

I have to win her back.

I can't lose her.

There will be a way, she loves me too much to leave. I know she's hurt but she will take me back.

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