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As soon as I stepped out the door I was hit by the chill of the night. I closed my eyes and let the wind hit my face. For the first time in years, I felt different, my whole body tingled in anticipation of what was yet to come. I knew that things were going to change drastically and for once I welcomed it. I knew that I deserved better than what I was getting and I was finally ready to stand up for myself.

I got into a cab and asked the driver to take me to the nearest hotel. 30 min later I was checked in and laying in a comfortable king-size bed contemplating my next step.

I grabbed a notepad from the side table and decided to make a to-do list. I work best when I'm organized and major life decisions called for organization.

1. Take time off from work

I knew that I needed to take a couple of weeks off to deal with everything. I couldn't go back now.

2. Call a lawyer

3. Get my car from the airport. (Shit, that means I need to get my keys from Marcus)

4. Figure out my living situation


I had a hard time concentrating further as my eyelids started to feel heavy.

I made sure to turn my phone off in the cab, so without any further distractions, I fell into a deep sleep.

Next morning

I got up and made myself some coffee. I'm a firm believer that leaving the house without drinking a cup of coffee is irresponsible. No one should have to deal with me before I get any caffeine in me.

I finally turned my phone on and instantly noticed message after message coming through. I still had unread messages from my mother that were days old. I gulped my coffee down as I realized She was going to kill me. 

I decided against opening any other messages and picked up my to-do list from the night before.

1. Take time off from work

Easy enough.

I picked up my phone and called the hospital's chief officers secretary. It rang twice and a friendly voice answered.

"San Francisco's general hospital, Bonnie speaking"

"Hi Bonnie, it's Ana. Is chief sanders available" I asked in my most upbeat voice.  Bonnie is the chief's right hand. She is the most important person in the hospital regardless of the title. Nothing gets done without her approval and Sanders wouldn't be able to run the hospital without her.

Bonnie stayed silent for a second and then answered uncomfortably "Hi Ana, just hold a minute. I'll get him on the phone".

A weird feeling overcame me and suddenly I felt uneasy. I have the best relationship with Bonnie so her cold reception made me feel off. I shrugged it off as me being overly sensitive to all the recent events and waited for the chief to answer the phone.

After what felt like hours, sanders came on the phone

"Hello Ana, you still there?"

"Hi chief, hope all is going well.  I just called to ask for a favour" I pulled out my phone calendar and started rechecking the dates I needed off.

I was once again greeted by silence. I decided I would just continue " I was wondering if I could take the next two weeks off to deal with a private matter?"

Sanders cleared his throat and finally answered.

"That won't be necessary. As of today, you are no longer an employee of the hospital"

"What" My mouth went dry and It was all I could manage to say,

"Ana, I'm sorry that it came to this and I want you to know I enjoyed working with you. But what you did caused irreparable harm to this hospital. I will pre-warn you that the police will want to speak with you. I'm only telling you this because of the good you have done here" Sanders clicked his tongue and continued "As a friend, I hope what you did was worth it"

I sat there frozen on the bed. Every fibre in me felt like it was drowning. I had no idea what he was talking about And I couldn't even defend myself as I had no idea what I had done.  I quickly asked the question that was on my mind "What exactly am I accused of doing"

"Fraud Ana, you don't need to put on an act for me. Save That for the police. I'm just happy that Elise decided to tell us. She told me she tried to get you to stop. But you needed the money for the house and didn't want to bother your boyfriend.  I don't understand how you can ask desperate families for an under-the-table payment in exchange for pro-Bono work. I don't know how you can live with yourself."  Sanders spoke the last words with deep disdain and disgust.

"I hope what you did was worth all that's to come" and with that, he hung up.

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