All coming together

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I followed detective Monroe and Terry up the stairs and into her office.  This was the first time I had the pleasure of meeting her in there. Up until now, I was in considered a primary suspect so most of my interactions were conducted in the interview rooms.

I felt like this was a good show of faith on her part, maybe one where she didn't believe I was a criminal.

"That must have been difficult" She gestured me to sit on a chair near her desk, "would you like a water?" I nodded twice.

She made a call and a few minutes later a thirty something year old male, wearing a white button down shirt and dress pants, came in carrying three water bottles. He placed them on the table and introduced himself as josh "the tech guy". His job title and responsibilities were a lot more official sounding, but that was my take away from his introduction.  Well that, and that he's cute.

He asked me to lift up my shirt and carefully collected the recording device that was placed on me before I left to the hospital. My face turning red as he worked.

"I was very pleased with your overall performance. Your boss Sanders said you got in a good slap" Monroe smiled mischievously. "That must have been satisfying?"

"Oh, it's playing on repeat in my head" I laughed and fixed my shirt. "So now what?"

"Now we get a search warrant for her home and work place and an arrest warrant to pick her up" she stated,

"How long do those usually take?" I asked, an idea formulating in my head.

"Usually a couple of hours, depending on which judge I get" she looked at me questionably "what are you scheming?" 

I cleared my throat,

"I have a favour. It's a long shot asking this from you, but if there's a way to make it work, it would help me get my life back on track"

"Terry, can you close the door" she nodded towards him, " ok, let's hear it"

Marcus POV

On my way to the office Terry called and filled me in on the Ana situation.  Michael might have sworn his allegiance to her but Terry was still loyal and would give me the random update. 

He was talking a mile a minute, usually something he does when it's good news, so I let him ramble. I thought I got the gist of what occurred and what was being planned for later tonight. 

I hung up, satisfied at the outcome and even more proud with the way Ana handled the whole undercover scheme they had her do. Just when I thought she couldn't be more impressive, she raised the bar.

I decided to play nice and call Michael,

"Hello?" He picked up on the 2nd ring.

"The plan you guys are executing tonight, I want in" I wasn't asking, I was merely being polite informing him of my contribution.

"I don't know Marcus..." he started,

"Me and Ana are fine, we talked, and I think I'll be a tremendous asset. I'm going to call and run something by her, if she says yes, I'll send you the info" I was feeling giddy. If everything went well tonight, Ana would walk out with her reputation in tact.

"Fine, but if at any point she says she doesn't want you there, you have to leave. No arguments" he stated firmly.

I had to say it, I was proud of the kid. It's not easy to stand up to someone like me. Yet he was doing it for someone he just met. Ana had that affect on most people, they wanted to help because they knew she would help if the roles were reversed. I agreed with his rule and hung up.

Secretly I felt a pang of jealousy. She was calling Michael for help with this whole ordeal but didn't reach out for any assistance from me.  I pushed my feelings off to the side and pulled up my contacts.

Only Two more calls to make. One to Ana and one to Cole. I hope at least one of those will go as hoped.

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