#2 on the list

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I met with the realtor, Dan Alloy, later that afternoon. He was an attractive man in his mid 40s with a pearly white smile and a head full of salt and pepper hair. After a short conversation outlining what I was looking to get for my house, he reassured me that he would be the one to deal with Cole regarding the sale. He also informed me that Terry would help draft up a more than fair agreement and reach out to Cole for his signature. I was extremely grateful as I was trying to limit our contact.

Since last night cole called and messaged over a dozen times. I was tempted to block his number but decided against it. There were a lot of things tying us together and, even though I wanted nothing more to do with him, I needed to remain somewhat civil to tie up the lose ends. I didn't want to be one of those couples that were fighting for a piece of furniture five years later.

With the help of my mother, we cleaned and staged the house in under an hour. Dan informed me that, if Cole agreed to our conditions to sell, the house would be up on the market within two days. I also discussed what I was looking to buy and Dan told me he'd put my list of wants out to a few people he knew. As he left, I felt like I was actually making some progress.

I grabbed a glass of wine and went out on my back patio to watch the sunset. I knew my time in this house was limited and I wanted to soak it all in. Even if Cole didn't agree with the sale, I would ask him to buy me out. Either way, I wasn't going to be living here much longer.

I was caught up in my thoughts when the ringing of my phone snapped me out of my trance. I looked down, half expecting to ignore another call from Cole, when I noticed it was Marcus. My heart made a little jump and I cleared my throat before I answered.

"Hey Marcus"

"Ana, when were you planning on telling me?" He sounded upset. I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration and took a large breath in before I spoke.

"Tell you what?" I knew what he was asking, but I wasn't going to just volunteer the information.

"That you were planning on moving?" He asked, clearly annoyed with my avoidance.

"I wasn't going to say anything until I was a hundred percent sure it was actually a thing"  I answered and took another sip of wine. I wasn't expecting this call from him so soon, if at all.  I shook my head at the betrayal and laughed to myself. Just a few hours ago, I told the realtor I was looking for potential properties in a few different cities across the states. I even threw in a couple of Canadian cities to keep things interesting.  I wasn't sure where work would take me but I wasn't picky either.

"You didn't think that maybe you should have discussed it with any of us? When did you make this decision." I went to answer when he cut me off " I'm coming over. This is something we should talk about in person"

And with that he hung up.

I was frustrated and slightly annoyed. Although I appreciated the concern and, admittedly, I was slightly flattered, there wasn't a we in this situation.  I didn't need to discuss anything with anyone.

I placed my phone back down on my chair and waited for Marcus to show up.  Regardless of how our conversation would go, I knew that My night was about to get a lot more interesting.

Marcus pov

I spent the night tossing and turning and got less than four hours of sleep.  I asked Ana to call me after Cole left her house to let me know she was ok.  I didn't think Cole would actually hurt her, but I also didn't want to take any chances. How many times did you hear a neighbour or friend say they never expected their acquaintance to be capable of hurting anyone.

When I didn't hear from her I came up with an excuse and called Cole myself. When he picked up, I breathed a sigh of relief. He sounded horrible and depressed, and confirmed that he left anas house.

Still uneasy, I woke Michael up from his drunken slumber and asked him to find Ana's moms number. I sent her a quick text and got confirmation that she was ok.

Feeling a bit more confidant with her safety, I tried to sleep with little success.

When I got up this morning, I didn't want to be overbearing and decided to give her some space. I talked myself into believing that,when she was ready to talk, she would call.

Terry, being the great friend he was, informed me that he spoke to her and that he sent Dan over to do an appraisal on her house. What I wasn't expecting was to hear that she was planning on moving. Even more shocking was the fact that she was open to move out of the country.  The thought made me feel a kind of sadness I haven't felt in a long time.

I decided to call and confront her, expecting for her to settle my nerves by being confused and laughing at the misunderstanding.  What I wasn't expecting was for her to sound so indifferent.  I decided I wasn't going to get anywhere wth her over the phone. It was too easy to dodge questions, you didn't want to answer, if the person wasn't standing in front of you.

I knew I had no right to ask her to stay, but I didn't want her to leave without me at least asking.

I threw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie and made my way to her house.  I was hoping for some kind of resolution to the topic I've been skirting around on for weeks. I just wasn't convinced I would be able to express myself in a way she would understand or be receptive to.  I figured I would hate myself if I didn't at least try. And with that thought I took off to see her and literally hoped for the best.

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