Just no

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It was about 4pm when I returned to my apartment.  I walked through the door feeling slightly nervous about seeing Ana.  I haven't seen or talked to her since our night together and I wasn't sure how she was going to greet me.  I was seriously hoping that things weren't going to be awkward between us.

I turned on the foyer light and glanced around the living room. The place was quiet, a little too quiet, so I assumed Ana must be napping. I decided I'd take a quick shower and then make some noise to wake her. I didn't want to barge into her room, uninvited, but I really wanted to see and talk to her.

I took off my shoes and proceeded to my bedroom when I noticed Ana's door open. I poked my head inside and saw that she wasn't there.

"Ana?" I was met with no response, just silence.

I picked up the phone and tried calling her.

The call immediately went straight to voicemail.

A pang of worry came over me as I realized I haven't checked in with her in over 24 hours. Suddenly I felt tremendous guilt, what if something happened to her and I didn't even know. I tried to remain calm and reassure myself that if something was wrong, her or Michael would have called me.

I dialled Michaels number and waited for him to pick up.

"What's up boss?" Michaels cheery voice came through the speaker.

"Where's Ana? Have you talked to her today? She's not at the apartment" I asked,

"About that..." you could tell that Michael was stalling and didn't want to tell me something.

"What, I'm getting irritated Michael" I took a deep breath and tried to push down my anger. I didn't like getting short with him, but that boy knew how to get me going in less then 5 second.

"I can't say, sorry Marcus" he blurted the sentence out in one breath and, before he said anything further, I hung up. I placed and my shoes back on and proceeded down to the apartment he was staying at. Something was going on and I was going to find out whether he wanted to tell me or not.

Michael knew what I was doing as the door was wide open when I got there. He was sitting on the couch playing a video game purposely avoiding my gaze.

I walked over to the television and shut it off. He was about to protest when he saw the look I was giving off and stopped.

"Now Michael, let's try this again. Where is Ana?" I glared down at him.

"I'm sorry man, I can't tell you. She's safe, but as of this morning, she packed everything up and asked me to work this case for her. She essentially hired me, and you know....that gives her client/ hacker privileges. I can't just tell you where she is. That would breach an ethical code" he shrugged his shoulders,

"What the fuck are you talking about? Stop watching law and order and tell me where she is. There is no such fucking thing as client hacker privilege. And you don't work for her, you work for me" I was trying to remain calm but I knew I was seconds away from tearing this place apart.

He took out his phone and showered me a transaction in his bank account. "Her retainer" he shrugged once again and continued "you always encouraged me to venture out and do some good, well, I'm doing that now" he gave me a slightly challenging look.

"Fine" I responded

"Fine?" You could see he was relieved, but also confused.

"Yes fine, you're not the only person I have on retainer for such things. Enjoy your game" I turned around and started to leave. I could fire him, make his life miserable, make him pay for his insubordination, but he was like a little brother. With him it wasn't just business, he was family.

"Marcus" he called out as I was about to leave. I stopped and turned around

"Leave her, whatever happened....whatever you did. It broke her. I don't know her that well, but she's been dealt a shitty card this past week....But she always managed to have a smile on her face....that brightness was still there, you know?." You could see Michael was having a hard time saying this to me "but this morning, there was nothing. It's like she was going through the motions but there was no fire in her eyes. Hell....there wasn't even a spark. She specifically asked for me to not tell you anything going forward. She told me to thank you for your help, that she'd be forever indebted to you, but that you need to leave her alone".

Michael gave me one last glance, turned the tv back on and restated his game.

It felt like someone punched my gut. I felt winded and nauseated. Ana didn't want me anymore. She was broken and it was my fault.

It took me seconds to realize that, yes, in fact, I haven't reached out to her in 24 hours. We slept together and I never responded to her text or called.

I didn't care though right? This was for the best I told myself.

I left Michaels apartment and went back to my empty one, repeating to myself, that this was for the best.

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