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I came home shortly after my meeting with Cole. I was still feeling annoyed after our exchange and was looking for some kind of release. I debated stopping by Kate's place but thought against it. If I was ending it, I didn't want to continue giving her false hope. Truth be told, I would have ended it ages ago if not for the convenience. Instead, I chose to ignore the signs and let her become too attached.

I greeted Michael and Ana and pulled up a barstool to get caught up on their progress. They spent most of the afternoon going through emails and you could see that Ana was vibrating. She was putting on a tough front and joking around but anyone could tell she was only pretending to be ok.

I excused myself and went into my room to change. I figured I would take a quick shower, as well, and order some dinner for everyone once I was done. Michael would probably be spending the night but I would make him stay in one of my guest apartments. I'm not one for house guests but, even to my surprise, I seem to have made a recent exception. I could have offered Ana an apartment as well, but selfishly I wanted her around.

I wasn't sure what it was about her but I felt calmer in her presence. She had a certain charm and cuteness that would pull you in. I didn't think I had any feelings for her but here I was, thinking about her again. If I was being honest with myself, I haven't stopped thinking about her since I picked her up from the bar.

I wake up thinking about her. Go to bed thinking about her. Even now. I Can't stop myself.

I turned on the hot water and stood under the cascade, letting it pour over my head and down my back. She looked so damn cute in those sweatpants and T-shirts. The way her nose scrunches up when you tease her. The way she sounded when she said my name. Before I knew it I found the release I was looking for. Instead of Kate, it was my hand that ended up satisfying me. I don't remember the last time I got so turned on by simply thinking about someone. I tried to push it out of my head and finished my shower. I searched for my favourite pj bottoms and a white shirt and rejoined the two in the living room.

The rest of the evening flew by and I found myself enjoying my time with Ana. We would poke at each other and every time I came near her or touched her, I would feel a tingling sensation or sparks.  Right before midnight, I began pushing Michael out the door. The guy is a gem but doesn't know when to leave. Once we said our goodbyes I turned and saw Ana sitting on the couch looking deep in thought.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked.

"Just a penny? I feel like you're diminishing the worth of my thoughts" Ana smiled,

"Ok, fine, a dime and not a penny more" I chuckled and sat beside her.

"You drive a hard bargain, but deal" she poked me in the arm and sighed, "I don't understand how I got here. Like, I keep thinking about where things took a wrong turn. How I could have been so dumb to trust those two with my life? How I didn't see what was right under my nose"

"You see the best in people" I reached up and began playing with a strand of her hair, "That's not a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with you for putting your faith in someone, there is something wrong with them for taking advantage of it. That's not on you"

She nodded and We sat in silence while I twirled her hair around my finger.  I could feel myself being pulled towards her.

"I should probably go to bed" she whispered.

When she made no effort to move, I let out a little hum. I traced my hand down her cheeks and jaw and began tracing her lips with my thumb. I could hear a sudden change in her breathing and her face became flushed. I slowly lowered my head and gently kissed her lips. When she let out a moan I pressed harder letting my tongue explore her mouth.

"Ana"  I pulled myself away and locked my eyes on hers, "it's taking every ounce of strength I have to restrain myself.  If we don't stop now, I'm going to rip those clothes off of you, bend you over the counter and fuck you so hard that you'll be screaming my name until I permit you to stop"

"So tell me, Ana, do you want me to stop?"

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