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Ana's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache and an even bigger heartache. I didn't remember what time I fell asleep but I remembered feeling sadder than I had ever felt before. I grabbed my phone and hoped to see a message or call from Marcus, but there was none.

I found my robe in the closet and went out into the living room. I scanned the apartment and didn't see any sign that Marcus had come home. My body slumped on the couch and I held my heart as my whole body sobbed. I couldn't handle this kind of rejection. What was so wrong with me that no one valued or wanted me?

My best friend hated me enough to destroy my life. My boyfriend lied and cheated for god knows how long. And then there was Marcus. I couldn't even be mad at him. He was almost a stranger to me and I was a nobody to him. Just an employee's pathetic ex. I decided that I needed to take charge of my life and not rely on anyone else. I made some mistakes but I would find a way forward.

With new determination, I went back into "my" room and packed my stuff. I left the clothing that Marcus bought me minus the black dress. That dress had meaning to me, as stupid as that sounded, and I wanted to keep it.

Once I had everything ready I sent Michael a message asking him where he was. I may have wanted to take charge of my life and stop relying on others, but this was different. He was hired to do a job and help me. And I would pay him myself after all was said and done. I would make sure he invoices me and not Marcus.

I wanted to have a meeting with him and explain the new arrangement. More importantly, I was hoping he would be okay with it and accept it.

I jumped when my phone rang showing the last bit of my hope on display. That hope was quickly destroyed when I saw that it was Michael calling.

"Hey Michael, where are you? Was hoping we could meet up quickly" I answered, realizing I didn't give him a chance to say hello.

"Well, good morning to you too. I'm just a floor below yours, do you want me to come up?" He replied. I was confused. I didn't know he lived in this building.

"No that's ok, just tell me the room number and I'll be down in a minute" I grabbed the last of my things as I heard him say 2108 and proceeded to head out.

I took one last look at the apartment, placed my key on the counter and left.

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