Going down

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I was taken down to the police station and placed into one of their holding cells. I was told that someone would come and speak to me shortly and that Elise was also brought in to provide a statement against me. I could just imagine all the lies she was spinning.

I called Terry and filled him in on what transpired. He tried to be reassuring and told me he would be here shortly to bail me out. I asked to speak to the detective and waited patiently for her to come and see me. I was shocked when she came in with Elise trailing behind her.

I couldn't stop sobbing at the sight of her. I felt so helpless. I was handcuffed behind bars. I looked like a disheveled mess and the person who destroyed my life was getting a front row view. The detective walked over to my cell and gave me a slight nod as a greeting.

"I spoke with Elise and she is kind enough to drop all charges if you apologize to her. I think it would be in your best interest to do so. You're in enough trouble and this will hurt you more in the long run" she gave me a tired smile and motioned for Elise to come closer "I know you two were good friends. I can't even begin to imagine what happened for you two to get to this place. But I'll be respectful enough to give you two some privacy to hatch things out. It is the only kindness I will offer you Ana" and with that she turned around and left.

Elise took a step forward and burst out laughing.  I just stared at her and tried to hold back any emotions that would give her more satisfaction.  I failed miserably.

"Please Elise. Please. Help me. I don't want to go to jail. I didn't do anything." I begged her

"I don't think they'll let you out of here my best friend" she looked euphoric.  The sight of her happiness made me stop crying.

"You're not going to get away with this. They're going to figure out it was you. You're going to go down for this. I swear to you" I yelled at her. I wanted to make her worry. I wanted her to be scared for the role that she played.

Elise continued to laugh hysterically " no one, and I mean no one, is going to believe you now"

"How did you do this? You told me why? Just tell me how?" I begged her once more.

"Oh Ana" she leaned against the wall and looked irritated at my question. "It was too easy. You really should change your passwords. It was so easy to guess every single one of your recovery questions.  Where should I start?" She stayed quiet for a minute and hummed before continuing. "Let's start with Cole. He was so simple. He felt so discarded and unwanted that I just swept in. Gave him all the attention he was craving. The day that you came back to find us, that was planned. I changed your trip itinerary and made sure we were there to greet you.  Once that piece of the puzzle was laid down, I continued with the others. For over a year I had access to all your patients files and information. I would use your email to reach out to the families that you were so generously helping.  I would strongly encourage them to give me monetary gifts in exchange of services. Most were too distraught to ask questions and too scared to report anything. They would do whatever they could to save their child. I wouldn't ask for anything too crazy. A thousand here. A couple of thousand there. They were more than willing  to abide by your rules." 

"Where did the money go? How?" I asked

"Oh that was easy too. Cole was nice enough to give me a key to your house. I had access to come and go as I pleased. I Simply came in and borrowed your documentation. It's incredible what a few hundred dollars can get you.  I received new documents that were flawless. Even a professional couldn't tell the real from the fake. Then I registered an account in your name. You really should thank me, I think there is a good chunk of change you'll be able to access to help with your legal costs." She smiled down at me "oh wait. You don't have access to the account. Oh well. The rest was even easier. I sent an email to sanders. He's so dumb that he believed everything without questioning things too much. And now you're here"

"Just get out Elise.  GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE" I screamed. I just wanted her to leave. My heart was sliced into so many pieces I couldn't keep count. I felt like I was going to die. How could anyone go through such lengths to destroy someone. How could someone pretend to care and love you?

"I'll go, but one last thing," Elise took out her phone and snapped a picture, "I'll be sure to get this one framed." And with that she walked out.

I sat in the cell for what seemed like hours. I went through everything that she said over and over.  I tried to find moments that I could have seen the real Elise, but none of them stuck out. I loved her blindly. I cared for her and never suspected what she could be capable of.

I heard footsteps coming closer to my cell. I prayed that she didn't come back.

"Let's go" detective Monroe said to me with a smile. I saw Terry standing behind her typing away on his phone.

I stood up and turned around giving her access to my handcuffs. She took them off and I rubbed my wrists. "Did we get enough?"

"You bet we did kiddo, you bet we did" terry gleamed.

I breathed a sigh of relief and followed them out of the cells.

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