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I stared into Marcus's eyes and sucked in my breath. I was feeling so many things in the last few days and wanted something to take my mind off of everything. I just couldn't decide if it Would be so wrong if I did this.

I haven't ended it with Cole officially but I don't think I would hold that against myself. I wouldn't allow myself to feel guilty for wanting to feel good.

"What will happen if we do this?" I asked

"Whatever you want. It doesn't have to change anything. You are my guest and I want you to stay here while you deal with everything" he planted another soft kiss on my lips making it very hard to concentrate on anything else "We're adults. We can have some fun" his hand travelled down my side and lifted my shirt slightly exposing my skin. He traced my stomach with his fingertips.

My body reacted to his touch and another moan exited my lips. His face came inches from mine looking for permission to proceed. I gave him a nod and his lips crashed into mine passionately.  True to his words Marcus ripped my t-shirt and began kissing down my neck. He moved my bra down exposing my nipples and let his tongue trace around them. He took one in his mouth and sucked on it slightly before he nibbled the tip.  My body arched up in response wanting more.  He licked down to my stomach and pulled my sweats off. His fingers traced over my underwear and he could feel the wetness pooling between my legs. He slowly kissed my core, over my underwear, inhaling the fragrance I was giving off.

"You smell so fucking good. So sweet" he moved my underwear to the side and inserted his finger into me. Slowly, he began pumping it in and out while he licked the inside of my folds.

"I'm going to cum" It only took me minutes to get there with him.

"Do it, I want to taste all of you" he increased his tempo sending me over the edge. I moaned and let myself go, my body slightly shaking at the force of the orgasm.

Marcus climbed on top of me keeping his weight off. He took off his underwear and began kissing me all over.

"Are you ready?" He asked as I felt him pressing against me. I kissed his lips and lifted myself up pushing him in. He entered me slowly, filling me to the brim. Once I took him all in, he picked up his tempo pounding me to ecstasy.

"Can I cum in you?" he breathed out,

"Yes, I'm on birth control" I managed to stammer and watched his face twist in pleasure as he had his release.

Marcus buried his head in my chest and breathed heavily. After a few minutes of laying in complete silence. He pulled me off the couch and brought me into the kitchen.

"I wasn't kidding, my sweet Ana" He turned me around and I could feel him getting hard against my backside. Marcus gently bent me over the counter and slapped my cheeks sending pain and pleasure through me. He found my opening with his fingers and pushed himself into me once more. My face felt the cool marble countertop as he thrust himself into me.

"Spread your legs a little" he whispered in my ear taking the lobe into his mouth. I followed his orders and he wrapped his arm around finding my nub. He began to rub it in circular motions until I felt the build-up. Sensing I was close, he bit into my neck sending me over. He finished a minute later. He kept me bent over while he continued to rub and spread my juices all over my pelvic area. Shortly after, I felt him inside me again.

We kept this going until both of us were too tired to stand. We ended up in my room and before I knew it. I fell asleep cradled in his arms.

The next morning I woke up feeling extremely satisfied but sore. I opened my eyes to find the spot next to me empty. I didn't know why I should care, but it upset me.

I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I wasn't sure how I would react when I saw Marcus this morning, but I realized I developed feelings for him. I hoped that he felt them too but I had knots in my stomach and just felt off.

I finished up and went into the kitchen. The house was silent and I called out to see if anyone was there. I walked over to Marcus's room and said his name with no answer.

I decided to make some breakfast and send Marcus a quick message.

"Good morning. Hope you slept well ;) "

I put my phone down and continued to go about my day. An hour later I picked up my phone and still nothing. I opened up my message to Marcus and saw that it was left on read. My stomach twisted even more and an overwhelming feeling of sadness came over me.

I messaged Michael and got a response right away telling me he was busy with other work stuff and would see me tomorrow.

I kept myself busy throughout the day by rearranging the closet, watching tv and playing games. Around 4 pm I dug into the refrigerator and decided to make dinner. I wasn't sure if Marcus was allergic to anything so I went with a pasta similar to one we ate a few nights ago.

I finished up and placed a lid over the food to keep it warm and I sat down and waited.

When Marcus didn't come home that night, I once again found myself falling asleep with a broken heart and the sound of me crying.

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