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As I pulled into the underground parking of my apartment complex, I was suddenly very thankful that my stall was right by the parkade elevator.  I stared at a sleeping Ana and contemplated on how I would get her up to the penthouse. I parked my vehicle in the stall and considered waking her for a moment but quickly dismissed the idea as she looked too peaceful to disturb.

I walked over to the passenger side, picked her up, and carried her Towards the elevator. I pressed the button for my floor and patiently waited as we went up, humming along to the elevator music.

When the elevator doors opened, I moved to my entrance and panicked when I realized I needed to grab the keys from my pocket. I gently placed her on the ground and was quite surprised when she didn't wake up or even stir.

With a slight chuckle, I carried her to the spare room and left her sleeping on the king-size bed. I ensured the blinds were shut and gently closed the door behind me. I smiled to myself and wondered what kind of day tomorrow would be.

Ana's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache, which made me even more confused about my surroundings. I sat up and looked around the unfamiliar room and all the memories of the night before came flooding back. I threw my head back on the pillow and tried to hold back my tears. I was so lost and didn't know what my future was at the moment. I no longer had a loving boyfriend and I no longer had a best friend.

I grabbed my phone and tried to unlock it but realized the battery was dead. I searched my purse for a charger with no luck.

I made a mental note to ask Marcus if he had one as I was sure I left it behind in my car.

I sat back up and took in the décor of the room. Everything in the room was a shade of white and grey. It had Grey hardwood floors with a light grey rug. A king-size bed with a grey headboard and White bedding. Beside the bed was a Distressed white side table and a matching dresser that sat on the other side of the room. It was completed with a White accent chair and A beautiful glass chandelier, which hung over the bed. The whole room looked like something out of a magazine and regardless of the colors, it didn't feel sterile but modern and comfortable.

I decided I needed to find a bathroom and pushed my legs off the bed. Even that slight movement made my headache a 1000 times worse and I decided I needed to do this slowly. I looked around and saw what looked like an entry to the ensuite and made my way toward it.

As I stepped into the room I couldn't control my outburst,

"Holy shit, this is bigger than my room"

I stared in awe and followed the pattern of white and black marble that surrounded the whole room. The walls and floor blended together and a glass divider stood in the corner which was installed for the oversized shower. My favorite thing, by far though, was the massive claw tub in the middle of the bathroom. I decided right then and there that my life's mission would be to take at least one bath in that tub.

I finished my business and washed my face with water. I needed to get and get my toiletries stat! I stepped out of the bathroom and decided to follow the smell of bacon and secretly hoped that there would ACTUALLY be bacon.

Once I left the bedroom I could see a massive open space concept with a large kitchen in the corner. The same décor scheme followed the rest of the house and I appreciated the commitment. The white mixed with greys made the whole place seem bright and spacey. I was internally in love with all of it and couldn't help but be envious.

It was perfect.

My eyes landed on the kitchen and noticed Marcus cooking up a storm. As I approached I cleared my throat, not wanting to startle him, and offered a smile when he looked my way.

"Morning, thought I'd make you something to eat" Marcus beamed back " I'm not sure what you like so I just made a little bit of everything"

I stared at the massive spread of food in front of me. French toast, regular toast, pancakes, bacon, hashbrowns, and cut-up fresh fruit.

"You didn't have to, I'm not that hungry" I lied.

I sat down on the stool in front of the food and my stomach immediately gave me away. Upon hearing the loud grumblings coming from my belly, he grabbed a plate and passed it my way. He tried to cover his laugh with a cough but failed miserably.

"Coffee?" Marcus asked.

"You never have to ask, the answer will always be yes" I grinned. 10 minutes ago I was crying into a pillow, a moment later I was grinning like an idiot. His energy was contagious and exactly what I needed at this moment. If I was alone In a hotel, I'd still be crying in bed.

He passed me a mug filled to the brim and set some sugar and cream in the middle. I eagerly took the spoon and threw in one teaspoon of sugar and a bit of cream. The coffee was amazing and I burnt my tongue gulping it down.

"This is amazing. Best coffee I've ever had" I took another sip.

"Glad you like it" Marcus smiled and took another bite of his bacon.

Marcus POV

I slowly took in her appearance, noticing things that I wouldn't have let myself notice before. Ana was curvy and thick in all the right places. Judging by how the shirt hugged her chest, she was at least a double-d. Her nose had a splash of freckles which made her look cute and She was the only woman I knew that could pull off sexy and cute at the same time. I wondered how she would taste and had the desire to push her up on the counter and find out.

My thoughts snapped back when I noticed Ana looking at me.

Shit, I forgot what we were talking about.

Coffee, right!

Might as well be talking about the weather. God, I'm not usually this lame.

I decided to ask some harder questions and get them out of the way. " So where are you going to start, like, what's your game plan? Do you want to make things work with him?" I secretly hoped she wasn't that stupid.

Ana shook her head no so hard I wondered if she got whiplash.

"I don't know what I'm doing. I know that I can't make it work with someone that could do this to me. I don't even know how long this has been going on. I know it makes me sound petty, but I want them both to suffer as much as I'm suffering right now. Part of me wants to confront them right now, but I know Cole. He will deny everything and turn things around on me. With her help, they will make me look like some crazy jealous girlfriend. I have to make sure that if I go after him, I will be ready for every scenario"

I shrugged but tried to look supportive. I didn't understand why everyone made breakups so complicated. If you don't want someone anymore, you leave. Simple as that. Material things are replaceable. Self-worth is not.

I collected her plate and set it in the sink. I noticed how fragile she looked and it upset me. No one should feel the way she was feeling. I may not have agreed with her waiting to end it, but at least I knew that she didn't deserve this.

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