And after?

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The meeting with Michael went better then I expected. He told me that Terry made some progress with the fake account in my name, and with the people who I supposedly took bribes from.

All the witnesses stated that I actually never spoke or asked for any bribes in person. I never once mentioned them during any hospital visits and any reference made to the bribes by the victims would be met with confusion on my end. They thought I was great at acting and pretending to not knowing anything as a way to cover my tracks at the hospital.

They stated that I was professional, caring towards their kids and family, and would go out of my way to help them get coverage for things they weren't able to afford. They actually all agreed this seemed very out of character with the doctor they met and got to know. All the victims of the fraud were willing to collaborate that story when they spoke with the detective.

Michael had another great piece of information for me. With tremendous surprise, he informed me that my ex convinced Elise to admit, on a recording, that she set me up. Better yet, he sent that recording to my Chief at the hospital who now requested to have a sit down with me, the detective, and my "team".

Michael stated that it seemed like the Chief wanted to help as there were a few things that didn't sit right with him. He recalled many times that Elise tried to sabotage me, take credit for my work and try to blame her mistakes on me. With the new evidence presented, he wanted to get to the bottom of things.  Michael thought that he was doing this because a part of him cared for me, but more so it was him trying to save the hospital bad publicity and a potential wrongful termination lawsuit by me.

Michael informed me that Terry would be scheduling a meeting with the detective and would inform me of the time and place.  Until then, I should sit tight and not worry as much as things seemed to be going in my favor.  

I breathed my first sigh of relief in days and it felt like the pressure I was feeling in my head let off a bit.  Michael noticed my suitcase and raised his eyebrows.

"I think it would be best for me to go home and do things by myself for a bit." I answered 

"Home? Where you and Cole live?" Michael scrunched his face not looking pleased. 

"Don't worry, I don't plan on living with Cole, I have a plan.  I just need one last thing from you before I leave" I smirked.  

I thanked Michael and went down to my car.  I unblocked Coles number and sent him a quick message. 

A: Hey Cole, I know you tried to reach me numerous times.  I couldn't talk to you then, and I'm not ready now either.  I will be coming home, to MY house.  The house is no longer yours, not while I live there.  We can meet with the lawyers in the future and discuss how we want to split the house.  I'm even ok walking away with compensation.  But until that is done, I will be living there and you are not welcome.  I originally left because I couldn't bare to see you.  But I realized that I am not the one who did anything wrong in this situation.  Because of you my life is ruined.  So maybe you can do the one honorable thing and leave and let me have my some stability. 

I pressed send and waited for a response

C: Ana, I'm not leaving. We need to sit down and talk this through.  You have to listen to me.  I made a mistake.  Huge mistake, but I'm willing to make it up to you for the rest of my life.  Please, give me 5 minutes of your time.  Please Ana!

A:I am not discussing anything with you and I will not see you.  

I went into my received files, attached a video to my message and pressed send.  I could see the file was received and opened. 

C: What the fuck is this?

A: I had the video of our exchange outside the nightclub sent to me.  It shows you being aggressive and threatening.  I will file a restraining order if I have to.  Or worse, I will make sure this video hits every single on of your contacts inbox.  Your family will see it, your friends, hell.... I'll even send it to any person you have worked with before.  They will all see how amazing Cole really is.  I'm giving you an hour after you're done work to pack up and leave.  

I waited a few minutes before Cole responded again

C: I think Elise is at our house.  Just thought you should know.  I will leave as you asked. But I won't stop trying to get you back Ana.  I can't! I love you. 

A: I will deal with Elise, good bye Cole.

I pulled up to my house at 6 pm and saw that Coles Car was still there.  I drove down the street and parked out of sight of the house.  I could see Cole step out the front door, turn around, and yell.  He got into his car and drove away.  I smiled and called 911.

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