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I grabbed my phone and searched for Lukas restaurants information. After a few minutes I found the address and phone number and put it into my gps.

I decided it would be best if I called ahead, just in case Luka didn't want to see me, or worse, Marcus was there.

After 3 rings a woman picked up

"Italios pasta"

I asked to speak to Luka and was put on hold.

"Luka speaking" a familiar voice answered.

"Hi Luka, it's Ana. We met a few days ago. Not sure if you remember...." I would have rambled on but he cut me off,

"Ana, how could I ever forget a face like yours? How are you beautiful" he asked,

" I'm great I'm great. Hey listen. My moms in town and I was going to bring her in to try your amazing pasta. Just wanted to make sure it's ok?" I realized I didn't know how to ask what I was asking.

As if Luka was a mind reader he answered immediately "I'd love for you two to come in, I'll make sure you get the best table. It will be great to get some one on one time with you without that 3rd wheel Marcus".

Perfect. He's not there.

"Is it ok to stop by in an hour?" I asked as I ran a hundred different outfit possibilities through my mind.

"Perfect, see you then" and with that he hung up.

I went upstairs and started to get ready. I picked out a lace top, black miniskirt, black sheer stockings and a pair of cute chunky heels. I decided to curl my long hair and pin the front pieces back.

Tonight I was going for the dramatic look and finished it off with a Burgundy red lipstick. When I was done, I came downstairs and saw my mom in an elegant black dress. I gave her a quick hug and pushed her out the door. We were running late and I didn't want to hold up a table and upset Luka.

We pulled into a spot a block away from the restaurant and walked slowly enjoying the breeze.  I realized I was very nervous as the Last time I saw Luka it ended in a nightmare.

We entered the small restaurant and, unlike the last time, the place was extremely packed.  I was greeted by a hostess and I gave her my name. I was hoping Luka didn't forget to put it on the reservation list as the wait seemed like it would be over an hour.

The girl smiled at me, motioned us to follow, and led us to a booth in the back corner of the restaurant. On the table was a bottle of red, 2 glasses, and a few appetizers. It was beyond sweet and appreciated. We sat down and dug in while scanning the menu for our entrees.

I didn't even notice when Luka came over to our table. He plopped himself down beside me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I felt my face redden and  tried to stammer out an introduction to mother. He took my moms hand and kissed it gently while flashing his million dollar smile. You could tell she was immediately smitten.

"As you can see we are slightly busy, I'll come over when it slows down. I hope you enjoy the food" with that he excused himself and returned to the kitchen. I settled on a chicken fettuccini and my mom on a baked 5 cheese pasta. We sat and enjoyed each others company, and although it took a while to get our food, I was happy being out with my mom. My mom was filling me in on the antics of my family when I had an overwhelming feeling that someone was watching me. I scanned the room and saw him.

Everything stopped. I inhaled sharply and involuntary shut any surround sound out. All I could hear was the fast beating of my heart.

"Shit" I breathed out and looked down. Maybe he didn't see me.

I tried to focus on my moms story but couldn't calm myself enough to listen so I sat and waited. I figured he would come over to check on me or say a simple hello.

Its etiquette, it would be rude not to.

Except he didn't.

it's moments like this, when you think you're ok, only to be reminded that you are so far from it. It's like my heart shattered again. I suddenly felt exhausted and embarrassed. He saw me and ran, his easy conquest, his embarrassing hook up.

Whatever he thought of me, it was bad enough that he would rather bolt than spare a minute if his time.

"Are you ok hunny" my mom looked concerned, realizing I was no longer paying attention.

"I'm fine. Just tired. I think this food and wine has made me a little sleepy. We should get the check." I searched for our waitress and when I caught her eye I mouthed "check" and smiled. She came over a minute later telling us it was all taken care of.

I wrote down my cell and a quick thank you on a napkin and asked her to give it to Luka. I felt awful leaving, after his hospitality, but it was still busy and I wasn't expecting him to ignore his work to spend time with me.

As we got up I scanned the room again and cursed myself. I shouldn't care if he was still here or not, I should leave without looking back. I felt so weak.

We walked back to the car in silence, my mom glancing at me with worry whenever she thought I wasn't looking.

I was about to open my car door when I noticed my tires were slashed. It took me a moment to register what I was seeing. I thought I had a flat before I noticed that all 4 wheels were flat.

"What the fuck" I stared in disbelief, frantically looking around for the culprit. I was so angry I wanted to scream. "Who the fuck did this?"

My mom was staring at me confused. Obviously she hasn't noticed the lack of air in my tires.

"Mom. Look" I pointed down. A flash of recognition on her face and then worry.

"What are we going to do?" She asked.

"Nothing mom, we will sit in the car, get an Uber and go home. Tomorrow I'll get my car towed to a shop and they'll fix it. It will be fine" I lied. Nothing was fine. My emotional sanity was hanging by a thin thread.

I unlocked my car and encouraged my mom to get it. I needed a moment to compose myself.

As I was punching in the information for my uber, a large suv pulled up and stopped in front of me.

I looked up and saw nothing but tinted windows. Not caring who was inside inside, i retuned to what I was doing. I figured it was some white knight noticing I was I trouble. Maybe if I didn't pay any attention they'd leave.

As I was about to enter my vehicle a voice called my name.

My head shot up.

I knew that voice.


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