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I was woken up by the persistent ringing of my cell phone and cursed myself for not setting it to silent.  I prayed that whoever was calling would give up and stop. Unfortunately I wasn't that lucky as it kept ringing and ringing.....

I fumbled for my phone and looked at the screen. I didn't recognize the number so I bit the bullet,

"Hello?" I answered, sounding angrier then I intended to.

"Hey Ana. It's Michael, I'm here with terry and you're on speaker, so don't say anything too dirty" I could hear his grinning through the phone.

"Where are you calling me from?" I was still half asleep and very confused. It's way too early  for his chipper self and I haven't had a chance to drink a cup of coffee yet.

"We are at the station with detective Monroe. We Kind of had a breakthrough With the account number and passwords you gave us so we came down to get her assistance. We were able to track down the guy that set up the off shore account in your name. Elise dealt with a relatively known broker with a stellar reputation for being discreet and specializing in managing accounts in other countries. We are lucky that he's pretty legit and followed all protocols. He made sure to ask for all the required documentation's and more. Elise managed to provide a number of fraudulent documents that were altered with your information and her photo  He was given a picture line up that included both yours and Elise's pictures in it. Guess who's picture he picked right away?" You could hear the excitement in Michaels voice "now we begin to clear your name"

"We need one more thing" detective Monroe interjected "we need to get rid of any chance of doubt that can be used to confuse the jury. Elise can say it was your idea and she was just going along with it. It will be her word against yours. We need a complete confession from her and I think know how we can get it"

After my morning coffee I headed down to the station to get briefed on the plan. It sounded complex and I was extremely nervous but I was reassured from all angles that it would be fine. Once everything was set into place I headed over to my previous place of employment.

I walked into the hospital and took the elevator to the paediatric floor. There were things I needed to get off my chest and I wanted to do them before I lost my nerve.

I walked over to my old office to grab a few things. By this time, I could hear the whispers and concerns. A few people said hello but most pretended not to see me as I walked the halls.

I found an empty box and started packing my things slowly.

"You're not supposed to be here" I heard the most annoying voice in the world speak to me "not without security escorting you" Elise walked over to me and stood inches away from my face. "You don't work here anymore, remember? You're a criminal. The worst kind. You prayed on sick children. How are you ever going to come back from that"

I looked up and saw her sickening smirk. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. I didn't need to make a scene by punching her. My reputation was already suffering and I didn't want to make it worse. I tried ignoring her and moving off to the side. When I tried walking away she grabbed my arm.

"You're a filthy disgusting whore. No one will love you now. You have nothing. No one" she laughed to herself.

"Just tell me why Elise, why did you do this To me" I tried to hold back my tears but they fell anyways.

"Remember the first day? When we started? We were assigned to work on a project together. I really wanted in on the Stevenson case. I stayed late every singe day. Went on no sleep and lived in the hospital library. I did everything I could to figure out the reason for their sons health issues. And then you come in to work not even trying and during examination it just came to you. You solved! Well after that you were the one they said to watch out for. The one that would finish first. You became everyone's favourite while I had to take whatever scraps were left. I hated you. So DAMN MUCH. But you were too sweet and too stupid to notice. It was better to be close to you than against you. I was favoured just being your best friend. Then there was Cole. Do you know I met him a few times before you did? I ran into him at the hospital a few times. We chatted and I was really into him. Then you tell me you fell for some guy and introduce me to Cole. He didn't even remember who the Fuck I was. Didn't remember meeting me. Not even once. You took everything from me. Everything that I wanted. You didn't even have to try, you just did" her face was full of hatred. I couldn't believe I thought she was my friend. How was I so stupid. As if I had no control of my body my hand went up and slapped her across the face. The loudest smacking sound filled the room as I heard a gasp coming from just outside my door.

The chief of the hospital ran to Elsie and held her while she sobbed. "How could you Ana? You're not allowed in here, then you come in and assault your best friend. You're really something else. Take her out of here" and with that two security officers came and grabbed me. Once in cuffs, they led me to the front of the building where I was handed off to the police.

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