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Marcus POV

I woke up early for work and groaned. It was 6am and the morning came on way too fast.

I couldn't avoid it, I knew I had to get up and it's not like I could have skip another day anyway.

I had been slacking the last few days and my absence was starting to get noticed. Unlike other CEOs, I try to be present at work, walk around and talk to staff, support breakthroughs, and join the occasion office birthday party. It's a huge company but I wanted it to be a positive work environment.

I rubbed my eyes and glanced over at Ana, a smile creeping up on my face as I did so. Last night was pretty amazinf, and as much as I hoped it would happem again, i needed to make sure It's what I really wanted. I didn't want to hurt her and The last thing I wanted to do is lead her on.

I knew She wasn't someone I could use as a casual hookup and she would never agree to that anyways. I needed to take my time and properly think things through as it wouldn't be an easy decision. Ana comes with a lot of baggage and I wasn't sure I wanted that in my life right now.

I noticed a strand of hair on her face and brushed it away. This is where it became confusing as I couldn't deny the way I was starting to feel about her.

I stepped out of the room as quietly as I could and shut the door behind me. I figured it would be best to let her sleep in as She's been looking really frail 

I finished getting ready and left for the office. I was used to getting there before anyone else. Its was my favourite time of the day. Always quiet and peaceful and no one around to bother me, kind of like a calm before the storm.

As 8 am rolled around, everyone else started arriving and I retreated to my office and closed the door.

No time like the present to get caught up.

I dove deep into a report when I get a text on my phone. I smile when I see it's from Ana and hit reply....

Incoming call Kate

I pressed ignore and tries, again, to reply to Ana.

Kate called again and again. Until I finally picked up the phone irritated out of my mind

"What the hell do you want?"

There was nothing but silence on the other end.

"Kate?? Kate are you there"  I asked, even more annoyed that she's not answering me.

That's when I finally heares something, like things being moved around. I strained to listen and heard soft crying followed by a quiet "help".

"Kate. KATE!!!" I look down on my phone and see that it disconnected. I stood up and felt like All the air was sucked out from my lungs. With no time to waste I ran to my car and called 911.

"My friend, she just called. I heard sobbing and her asking for help. The phone disconnected and I don't know if she's ok" the operator asks me some more questions as I speed to her house.

I arrived at the same time as the ambulance and fire truck and I quickly run up to join them. I explain who I am and use the code to get into her house.

As we entered her home, you could immediately see Kate lying unresponsive on her kitchen floor. She looked a sickly Colour blue and It seemed like there was dry vomit on the side of her mouth. My instinct were to go to her but I was instructed by The EMT to step outside. The last thing I saw as I left the room was the two paramedics working on her.

I step outside and feel a rush of sadness I haven't felt before. I didn't end things well with Kate and guilt starts to creep in. I see the paramedics wheeling her out on a stretcher and I run to them.

"Can I please go with her. She's my friend. I'm the one she called, she's going to want me there". They nod and I climb into the ambulance, sitting off to the side as they continue working on Kate. 

We arrived at the hospital and they direct me to the wait room. I can't help but to replay my last interactions with Kate. What if I was the reason she tried to hurt herself. How could I live with myself after treating her that badly. She didn't deserve this When all she wanted was me. I placed my head in my hands and held back the tears.

A while later a nurse came out to get me. She brought me to see Kate who is still unconscious and hooked up to a few machines. I pull up a chair and hold her hand. Tonight I'm not going anywhere. I will be the first thing she sees when she awakes and I will make things right.

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