Now what

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Cole walked into my office visibly nervous. He stood by the door and gave me a long glance before walking over and sitting in the seat across from me. My secretary, who was standing behind him, saw my expression and shut the door. She sensed that it wasn't going to be a pleasant meeting and wanted to avoid anyone overhearing.

I could see that he was trying to act indifferent to my stare, which I continued to do while sitting in silence.

Making a game of it, I wanted to see how long it would take before he said something.

Not long, I chuckled to myself.

He spoke first.

"Did you agree to this meeting so you could sit there and glare?" Cole tried to sound assertive but fell flat.

"You said Ana was in trouble. I want to hear what you have to say" I blinked and once again filled the room with silence.

Cole took out his phone, pulled up a recording and pressed play. I sat there and listened to his and Elise's exchange from this morning. Once it was done, Cole placed his phone back into his pocket.

He watched me for any reaction, which I didn't provide. None of what he presented was new information. But I had to admit, the recording would Be useful.

"Ana lost her job as of 9 am this morning. Her boss stated that she was receiving kickbacks, under the table, from families, desperate families, for pro bono work.  All the proof was brought forward by your girlfriend Elise. What's better? She has been breaching Ana's work computer, work emails, and personal emails for years sabotaging her at every opportunity." I could see that Cole was stunned, but under that expression, it appeared like he was hiding something. Like he knew she was doing these things and didn't stop her. So why now?

"Clearly not everything she has done is a surprise to you. So why are you stepping up to do the right thing now?" I asked.

"I didn't know the extent of her actions.  I knew she would try to sabotage Ana at her job, but I always thought it was little things. I never knew she would go to these lengths to take her down.  I would have never allowed it. I had no idea! I love Ana and would never let anyone harm her" Cole looked pained.

"Yet you cheated on her repeatedly over the last year, interesting" I arched my eyebrows waiting for a response. 

"It's not like that" Cole looked down in shame "I never expected her to find out. It just happened. I was going to stop"

"I don't care about your excuses, you brought this upon her" I was getting angry "She is a good person who didn't deserve to get screwed over by the two people she loved.  She deserves better"

"And you think that's you?" Cole stared at me in disgust and clicked his tongue.

"Why not me? I have everything that she would need.  I could offer her the world. She deserves it" I stated simply. I didn't know if I wanted to be with Ana, but I wanted Cole to hurt.  Ana was a good person and regardless of the outcome, this accusation would cause irreparable harm to her and her name in the medical world. There would always be people who would question her integrity. 

Cole's hands bunch into fists and His breathing became heavy. "Stay away from her"

"That's not for you to decide anymore. She makes the rules and as long as she wants me around, I'll be there. Now if you excuse me...." I waved my hand towards the door.

Cole stood up, glaring at me while he fixed his suit. I leaned back in my chair and watched him leave.

"Oh and Cole, send me that recording"

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