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Coles POV

I hung up the phone and took deep breaths to calm myself.  Marcus filled me in on the state of affairs and gave me my marching orders.  I wasn't happy with what was expected of me but at this point, he didn't give me much of a choice.

If I did what he asked I got to keep my job and and help Ana in the process. I guess it was a win win for everyone but it didn't feel that way. This would cause me a lot of embarrassment and, sadly, I cared about the way I was perceived. Marcus made it very clear that I helped Elise and, willingly or unwillingly, was partly to blame for all that transpired.

I picked up my phone and started scrolling through my messages with Elise. I took a number of screenshots and sent them off to Marcus.

I sighed. There was no going back now, I knew what needed to be done.

I dialled Elise and waited for her to pick up. A part of me hoped that she wouldn't and that I could crawl back into bed and try to forget the last week, but I knew I wouldn't be so lucky.

"Hi babe" she picked up immediately. Her voice made me sick to my stomach but I pretended to be happy for Ana's sake.

"Hi sweetheart, I miss you" I lied through my teeth.

"Aww babe. I miss you too. What are you doing? Want to come over? I have so much to tell you" she sounded excited. I knew she just got back from the station but pretended to know nothing. This confirmed what I was thinking earlier, She truly is a nut job. How I missed the signs was beyond me.

"Well, I miss you too. And I thought, since we got rid of our small problem, I could accompany you to your work gala. We could finally let the world know that we are together" I tried to sound as sweet as possible. Luckily she ate it up as I heard a squeal on the other side of the phone.

"Pick me up at 7" she said and with that we hung up. I pulled out the only suit I took from my house and called house keeping. It took a beating in my suitcase and I needed to look good tonight. If I was going to lose almost everything, I'd make sure I would look good doing it.

Ana's POV

I arrived home and immediately jumped in the shower. I was running short on time but needed to look good. After all, I was going to be the star of tonight's show.

I stepped out in my towel and started frantically searching for the right outfit. I didn't notice my mom come in as I shakingly pulled things out of my closet.

"Breathe Ana" she smiled, startling me in the process.

"I am mom. Just trying to figure out what to wear" I put on my brave face. My mom looked like she aged 10 years since her arrival and I didn't want the stress to give her a heart attack.

"You don't have to do this. You can stay home tonight and let the detective do her job. Things will fix themselves and soon enough everyone will know you're innocent. You don't need to put yourself through this" she sat on the edge of my bed and glanced at me hopefully.

"Mom, I'll be fine. And if anything, I need tonight. Even if it doesn't go well. I need Elise to see that she didn't win. That I'm ok. I need to show her that I'm not afraid." I held back my tears as I tried to believe every word that I said. I convinced myself that this was the only way I would get my justice and I wasn't going to back out now.

My mom stood up and gave me a hug before leaving me to my thoughts. I decided to push through and get ready before I changed my mind. I was hoping tonight would go the way I wanted. I had a list of things I was hoping to witness but would settle on just one.

Elise in handcuffs.

I wanted to make sure I would see her face as she left the building.

I grabbed my phone and pulled up Spotify. Tonight was meant for me and I was going to go into it with high energy. I blasted the music and started to get ready.

After an hour of drying/styling my hair, and applying my makeup, I was ready to get dressed. I grabbed my black ball gown and slipped it on. It was a simple A-style gown with a slit up to my upper thigh. I felt like I've come full circle. I started off with a black dress and would finish off with one too, except this time my dress cost 20x more. I finished off my look with my signature burgundy lipstick and strapped on my high heels. I did a once over, and when satisfied, called Marcus to tell him I was ready.

We spoke for a few minutes earlier and I was secretly happy I had one more person In my corner. I decided that I would give up on my little crush and focus on being friends. I talked myself into believing it would be for the best and that I was making the right decision. I conveniently ignored the fact that he made the choice for me when he didn't call.

15 minutes later a text came in letting me know he was outside. With a sense of cautious optimism I stepped outside.


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