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I placed my phone down on the bed and tried to control my body from going into shock. I had no idea what the fuck just happened but realized that I was without a job and being accused of fraud. My whole life was spiralling out of control and I was on the verge of losing my medical license.

I didn't understand what chief sanders was saying or where he got the idea that I was committing fraud until it all finally clicked.


It was like someone dropped a bucket of frozen water on me. Every inch of my body vibrated as the realization of what she had done came to me.

She framed me.

She accused me of doing unspeakable things.

Things just stared falling into place as I recalled the different mishaps that occurred at work.  So many things that I was sure I never did or forgot to do now made sense.

She was behind everything.

Things that I confided in her were often used against me. I always thought it was bad luck, or coincidence, but never imagined that she would be the one that was sabotaging my career.

Without thinking I picked up the phone and dialled her number.

She picked up after the first ring with a simple "hello"

"How dare you. How could you?" I was holding back sobs as I yelled into the phone.

"I have no idea what you are taking about" I could hear her smirk on the other side as she spoke. It made me sick to my stomach.

"How could you jeopardize my career. How could you make these accusations. What have I ever done to you? You were my best friend" I asked.

"You were never my best friend Ana. You were merely an object in my way. You were perfect, always seen as perfect. I decided that you finally needed to learn your place. Who are you now? No longer the loving future Mrs. andrews, I'll have that title now. No longer the most loved and adored paediatrician who was everyone's first choice. Now you'll be known as the fraud who abused the trust of her most vulnerable patients. I wonder Ana, how much will you be able to endure until you realize that you should just end your pathetic life"

And there it was, the monster reared it's head.

There were so many things I wanted to say but decided against it. She wanted a reaction. She wanted me dead. I didn't know what I had done to her to hate me so much but she did. And saying anything further would just give her the satisfaction that I refused to give.

I hung up the phone and screamed my lungs out into a pillow.

I realized that I could not proceed further down my list as I was no longer employed and could not afford a lawyer or a new place.

I considered my options and realized that, once again, I was limited to what I could do or who I could rely on. I didn't want to worry my mother so I called the only other person who showed me any kindness.

"Hi Marcus, I need your help....again"

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