That tonight gonna be

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Marcus POV

We entered the Lacasa nightclub through the side door. The lineup was wrapped around the building and I didn't want to pass by the front in case I knew someone.  I didn't feel like having to pretend that I was pleased to run into them or force myself to engage in small talk.

We were ushered to the private area in the back and sat at an oversized booth in the corner. The waitress came by immediately and Luka ordered us a double round of shots. I asked for a few glasses of water and a couple bottles of wine. 

I glanced over at Ana and saw her staring out onto the dance floor. The waitress arrived with our drinks and we downed the shots. I poured her a glass of wine, and when she was half done I pulled her towards me.

"Let's dance"

"No, I really don't dance" she nervously tucked her hair in behind her ear.

"Just let me lead and you'll be fine" I pulled her out and led her towards the crowd of people. As we made our way to the middle, I pulled her in close and placed my hand on the small of her back. We started swaying to the music and let it take us over. Bodies were grinding on each other all around us and the room smelled of alcohol, sex and perfume.

I placed my face near Ana's neck and inhaled her scent. Her smell made my body tense up and awakened my other senses. Her touch made my skin tingle, and her breath on my face made me
Light headed. She was intoxicating.

I pulled her in even closer and allowed my lips to slightly touch hers. I could feel her inhale and hold her breath. At that moment everything stopped around me and, as I leaned in for the kiss, She pulled away and left the dance floor.

It took me a second to realize what was happening and, by the time I did, I saw her swept up into the Crowd and out of my vision.

I tried to go after her but it was impossible to maneuver around all the people dancing. I reached the edge of the dancefloor and looked around for any sign of her. As I was about to move to the back of the club a familiar face stopped me in my tracks.

"Marcus, so nice to see you" Kate moved her body towards me and placed her arms around my neck. I tried to gently push her away while scanning the room for any signs of Ana. Kate tightened her grip and pushed her breasts up against my chest.

"C'mon baby, I missed you. I hate it when we fight" Her lips moved up from my cheek to my ears. I pulled my head away and looked down at Kate. She looked messed up, her pupils were dilated and it was clear that she was on something. Regardless of my disinterest, she was someone that was my friend and previous companion. I couldn't just leave her in this state. I put my hand around her waist and led her back toward our booth. I saw Luka flirting with a couple of women by the bar and waved him over.

"Ana took off and I can't find her, can you stay with Kate while I look for her?" I tried to pass her off to Luka but she held on tighter.

"Kate, I need to leave for a minute, but Luka will take care of you ok?" I pleaded with her. Kate positioned herself in front of me, and with an unexpected push, I landed back into the booth.

Before I could sit back up, Kate was on top grinding herself on me. She leaned down and pressed her lips on mine violently, trying to slip her tongue into my mouth. I tried to push her up and stop the assault on my mouth. She continued to sway her hips making things slightly uncomfortable in my pants. I pushed her off with more force this time and sat up.

"Luka help me out here please" I looked in his direction and my heart stopped. Ana stood there looking at me with disgust and without another word, she took off again.

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