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Ana came on the phone and meekly said hello. I already liked this. She seemed like she was hiding something and I couldn't wait to find out exactly what that something was.

"Hi, Elise. What's up". She asked

"What do you mean what's up? We've been trying to get a hold of you since last night. Cole is worried. I'm worried. Who was that"  I was truly dying to know.

"Who that was is not important, and I'm fine. Maybe when you see Cole you can relay that to him" Hmm, this is going better than I expected.

"Why would I see Cole?" I tried to sound innocent.

"You've been such a good friend. Always taking care of me and Cole. I just figured since I was away and he was lonely. You'd be a good friend and keep him company. Make things easier for him" Her voice sounded as fake as our friendship.

I took a moment of silence to cherish what I was about to do next.

"You really are a stupid girl Ana" I laughed. "All this time thinking that you were in this perfect relationship when your boyfriend was fucking me every chance he got. Do you know that he had me on your bed On many occasions. Always told me how much better I was" I waited for a response but when I didn't get one I continued, " he has been planning on ending it for ages but was worried about your inability to cope with bad news. He thinks you're weak and pathetic. Well, I think you're playing the poor victim role to keep him. So I'm doing him a favour and ending it for the both of you. Oh and just so you know, He bought me a ring and We're getting married, I'll send you the invitation to whatever trashy hole you'll be moving to."

I sat there in silence and let the revelation sink in. Obviously, we weren't engaged, but I knew how much that would hurt her. She had wanted a ring from him forever. When Ana finally spoke, she managed to say one word, just a "thanks" and hung up.

I found her response weird and aggravating. Ana should be losing it right now. Devastated and crying. She sounded like she was barely bothered.... Or maybe she was so bothered she was having a mental breakdown. I felt that was more likely than her not caring and smiled. God, I wish I could see her reaction.

As my mood finally improved, I debated the best ways I could tell Cole that she found out. He may be angry at me at first, but he will come around eventually and understand that this was for the best.

Marcus POV

I watched Ana's face change as the conversation progressed. I mouthed "Put her on speaker" and "Just trust me" so she did. As Elise spilled the tea, I recorded everything that came out of her mouth.

I could see Ana was vibrating but gestured for her to keep it quiet and keep her answers to a minimum. Once she hung up, I embraced her into a hug before she could protest. She sobbed onto my shirt for a few minutes before pulling away.

Acting embarrassed, she apologized. "I'm so sorry for getting your shirt wet. I was expecting this to come out eventually. I wasn't expecting her to take that much pleasure in telling me. I thought she was my best friend. I tried to convince myself that maybe they made a mistake and fucked up, but they're engaged?" Her Tears flooded back and I gave her a reassuring pat on the back. I was out of my depth here.

I signalled for Luka to bring over some wine and additional napkins. He quickly sat down curious as to what happened.

"If you hated the pasta that much, send it back... don't cry" She couldn't help but laugh at that and her mood settled a bit.

I thought it would be best if we called it a night but Luka chimed In again. " I was just closing up before you called me, and thought, why don't I come with you to pick out a few outfits, and then we find Ana the sexiest dress out there. That won't be too hard because she is stop you in your tracks sexy and any dress would work" he winked at her and continued "Then we go to Lacasa for some drinks and Dancing" Before either of us could protest, Luka was already locking away the liquor and cleaning out the register.

Once finished, he grabbed his coat and approached us. Placing his arms around the both of us, he grinned from ear to ear

" I have a good feeling about this night. Trust me."

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