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Ana's POV

I waited outside my house trying to calm my nerves. My anxiety kicked into high gear and I tried to calm myself the best I could.

Ok Ana...

Find something you can see. What colour is it? What shape?
What do I hear? Cars, birds
What do I smell? Fresh cut grass.
What do I taste? I fumbled for a mint.

I tried using numerous calming techniques but nothing was working. I was officially having a hard time breathing. I just wanted to go back into the house and crawl into bed.

As if on cue, terry pulled up into my driveway in a BMW roadster.

Ok, I did not see that one coming.

When Terry said he'd grab me in the morning, I assumed he would be driving a station wagon, or something more suited to his exterior.

This was unexpected.

He gave me a huge smile and stepped out of his car to open the door for me. I calmed immediately. He had a soothing effect on me, kind of like a parent would have.

I strapped myself in and we were off to see the detective who wanted to throw the book at me. In her mind I was a monster that took advantage of vulnerable people. I was hoping that I would be able to convince her otherwise.

"So before we get to the station, I thought you should know, Elise was let out on a promise to appear." He glanced at me sideways to judge my reaction.

I nodded my head. I knew she wouldn't be detained for a long period of time. She had no priors and was a doctor. Not like they would throw her in Alcatraz.

"The detective you're meeting today. Her name is Lisa Monroe. Let her take the lead. Answer her questions but don't volunteer too much information." He took a left turn onto the highway. "Don't interrupt her and don't let your guard down. She tends to make assumptions and fishes for validation."

Terry continued talking and giving me pointers all the way to the station. When we parked, he gave my shoulder a squeeze and practically pushed me out the car.

"No turning back now, and remember, you're not charged yet. There don't have enough to arrest you, so be smart. You've done nothing wrong, it will be ok"

I took a nervous step, followed by another one, and soon we were at the front counter. Terry seated me in the waiting area while he spoke to the officer. 2 minutes later a 40 something lady came out and ushered us in. She was about 5'4 with short brown hair. She definitely had a no nonsense look to her. I felt my heart rate speed up as she motioned for us to enter the interrogation room.

She sat in front of me, and with a slight nod she stated "let's begin".

The interview lasted 2 hours. We started at the beginning and left no stone unturned. She spoke to the victims and received a favourable opinion on me.

Terry surprised me with information that Michael tracked down. The ip addresses used in the incriminating emails were sent from Elise's work station and her home. To add to the cherry on top, Michael was able to get footage of her using the computer, tied with the address, at the same time as the email was sent. That, along with, the recording Cole provided, gave the detective reasons to broaden her scope of investigation.

One issue, which was discussed, was the bank account. Although they had access to the accounts whereabouts, it was offshore and the scope of law didn't apply to it.

Detective Monroe was eager to gain access and see what we could learn.

She provided a print out of the account number and asked me if it was mine. When I said no, she asked if I've ever seen it before.

I took another look at it and I almost fell off my chair.

"That account, yes, I have seen it before. Well not the account but, when I was changing my sheets. a piece of paper fell out with numbers similar to this. It had random words written on it as well" I looked around hopeful that this would help prove my innocence.

At that, the detective got up and instructed me out. "We're going to your house, right now, to get that, unless you have an issue with that?"

Terry did not look happy and gave me a stern look but nodded at her request. "Fine. But I get to take a picture of it and send it off to my associate.  No picture no evidence.  And before you threaten me with a warrant, you can detain her but not me. Either way, I'll get to that information before you will". 

I was pretty sure that wasn't legal, but the detective agreed. It seemed that she knew Terry all too well and didn't want to fight about this.

After a few minutes we were back on the highway speeding towards my house.

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