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I was standing outside of Ana's house trying to organize my thoughts. I didn't want to walk into the situation and just wing it, making myself look like an idiot in the process. I had too many things racing through my mind and I wasn't sure how i was going to get them all out.

When terry told me she was looking to leave San Francisco I got angry. I knew I had no right to be upset with her, but I couldn't stop it either. Anger was easier to deal with than the other emotions that were ripping my insides apart.

I knocked on her door and waited. When I saw someone approach i immediately regretted coming and got nervous. I rubbed my sweaty palms against my jeans and tried to calm my nerves.

When Anas mom opened the door, she looked genuinely surprised to see me. She gave me a knowing smile and ushered me to the back patio door where I could see ana sitting on a lounger. I took in a sharp breath and admired her beauty. I couldn't believe that she could be gone in mere weeks.

I decided to make my presence known and stomped my way to the door, opening it a bit harder than I intended to. Her head jerked back in shock and her eyes met mine. For a moment I was frozen still. I willed my legs to move forward and sat on the lounger beside her.


"Hi" she chuckled, clearly a reaction to the awkwardness in the air.

"I'm just going to get right to the point. You want to leave San Francisco? Why? And for how long? Is it because of work? Cole?" I had a thousand questions but stopped myself and waited for her to answer at least a few before I continued.

"Yes and no" she sighed, " I do and don't want to leave. I love this city and there are people that I would never want to move away from. And Cole has nothing to do with it. Sure it would be easier being thousands of miles away from him, but I feel like my name has been tainted. I don't know how to start over without really starting over"

She continued to stare out into the night. I wanted her to look at me, to see how much I needed her. "Where are you planning on going?" I was hoping she hadn't fully decided. If she already picked a place, it would be harder to convince her to stay.

"I'm moving to Vancouver, I received an email from the BCs Children's hospital after I got off the phone with you. My father was a doctor there, he had a wonderful relationship with the board and they were thrilled for me to join their team" as she spoke my heart ripped apart. She had already decided.

"Ana, I want to be able to congratulate you and I truly want to be happy for you, but I can't. I'm sorry. I know you deserve something good from all the bad you've endured.  But I can't just sit back and let you go" I could feel her eyes gazing over my face but I couldn't bring myself to look at her. I needed to finish what I had to say, "I don't want to bs you and tell you that I love you, but I know I really care. I have begun to feel something real for you. I don't believe in long distance romance because those relationships don't work out. I want you to stay because I want us to have a chance. It's not fair for me to ask, but stay anyways, for me".

I watched her face as she opened and closed her mouth numerous times, each time as to say something but stopping herself. When she didn't say anything I decided to sweeten the deal.

"I'll open a children's hospital. With the way the labs research has been going, there are a lot of new trials coming up. We always rely on other hospitals to facilitate those, but we don't have to. I can build something. You can be in charge, can oversee the whole design. Who would know better as to what we need than a doctor who's excellent at her job?"

I couldn't believe what I was saying. The length I would go to for her to stay, although as I was saying it, it made a lot of sense.

I leaned back into my lounger and waited for her to finally speak.

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