An idea

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I stared at Ana and felt genuine sadness for her situation. She seemed like she was an amazing person and not someone who deserved any of this this. Any information that I ever collected on her confirmed as much. 

She became a pediatrician as she seemed to genuinely love kids. She did a lot of charity work on the side, volunteered her spare time at a free clinic, and basically was all around a caring human being.

Just the fact that Cole cheated on someone like her made him a massive douchebag.

I considered her predicament and found myself unnaturally drawn to her well-being even though I didn't know her that well.

I knew her as well as I would know any of my other employees' wives.

She seemed like she was lost and needed help, something that I was willing to provide. Although the situation was tricky, as Cole made me a lot of money, she was a damsel in distress and who could say no to that.

I walked into my room and grabbed her one of my T-shirts and shorts, handing them off to her when I returned to the kitchen.

"Take these, go take a shower or bath and Try and relax while I get your clothing laundered. After that, I will take you shopping for a few things"

"Why? I'm fine" Ana immediately shook her head.

"No you're not fine and you'll need the clothes. If I'm caught up with this whole situation you,

1. Caught your boyfriend cheating. But he doesn't know you know. Which leads to,

2. He thinks you're still out of the country and has access to your accounts. So you can't exactly use your debit or credit card to buy yourself anything that would show him you're actually in the city. And,

3. If you're staying here for a few more days, you'll need some of your stuff to feel comfortable."

"Or you could just drive me back to my car where I have my Luggage containing all of those said things" She simply rolled her eyes in my direction.

"Too late," I said triumphantly "Your car is back at the airport. I had my driver bring it there last night. If you're going to pull off whatever you're planning, you need to cover all your bases. And leaving your car at a restaurant within 10 miles of your house is not a way to be secretive"

She squinted her eyes into a glare but said nothing more. She silently took the clothing and made her way to the bedroom shutting the door behind her.

I enjoyed the feeling of being right and smirked while I cleaned up the kitchen.  I usually would have hired help to cook and clean for me, but I sent them away this morning not wanting to look spoiled or unable to care for myself.  I didn't know why I cared about her opinion, but I knew I wanted it to be a favourable one.

While she was in the bedroom I decided I was going to get a few things sorted and out of the way before they became a problem. One of those things being Kate.

During breakfast, I remembered that Kate was scheduled to come over for lunch. We had an arrangement, one that was more beneficial to me than her, but it was one that she wanted and agreed to.

I met Kate through a friend of a friend, and although she didn't immediately draw me in, she became someone I hooked up with regularly. I wasn't one to sleep around, and dating with my full schedule wasn't something I was interested in. Relationships complicate things and I liked my life uncomplicated. She was uncomplicated.

Kate would come for lunch or dinner, sometimes we would go out, but most times we would stay in. She would take care of me in every way I wanted and I would return the favour. She was free to do whatever she wanted and could date outside of our arrangement.

I would never stand in the way of her finding happiness and I often encouraged her to go out and meet other people. I even tried to set her up with other eligible and successful bachelors but she always declined.

I knew she wanted something more and believed that I would eventually change my mind and want that too so I made sure to remind her regularly that I wasn't interested in a strings-attached "friendship".

I grabbed my phone and brought up her info.

M: something came up. Can't do lunch today. Will message you later.

K: what came up? You're not one to cancel last minute...

M: I was being vague for a reason. Because I don't need to give you one.

K: I already scheduled my day around this. I don't think you're being reasonable here. I don't like being stood up.

M: not standing you up when I'm shooting you a message. But if this is a problem for you, maybe we should rethink this arrangement.

K: I didn't say it was a problem, It's just last minute and I don't like my time wasted.

M: Consider your schedule free from now on. Take care, Kate.

I put my phone down with a slight annoyance. I didn't care for that conversation as it just rubbed me the wrong way. I decided to put it out of my mind and focused on the other tasks at hand.

I called my driver and asked him to be on standby. I wasn't sure how long Ana would need to get ready and I still needed to launder her clothes.

I knocked on her door and waited for a response. When I didn't get one I slowly opened it, and with my eyes shut, walked in. I called out her name and when I was convinced she wasn't standing there naked, opened them. I saw that she folded her clothes and laid them on the bed and so I took them and left.

Figuring I had a bit of time I dialled my maid and asked her to grab the clothing. She was up in less than a minute and told me she would be back in an hour.

I had all my staff live in different apartments in the building. It was easy since I owned it and made more sense than having them all over the city. I paid them well and covered their lodging, but they were all on call 24/7. I wasn't demanding, not in the slightest, and respected their downtime. But stuff happens, and when it does, I don't want to be the only hands on deck.

I pulled out my laptop and began to go through some emails. I already informed my A/CEO of my absence today and she was more than capable to run the show. I wasn't expecting too many to read as she had someone looking through them already and assigning priority.

As I was skimming through some reports, Ana finally emerged from the bedroom. She was wearing one of my T-shirts and shorts, which were ridiculously big on her. She tied the waistband as tight as she could, but they were still sliding down. I couldn't help but laugh at her attempts to keep them up and she gave me the cutest pout.

"Clearly you didn't think this through" she whined as she pointed down at her outfit.

"Maybe this is exactly what I intended" I laughed even harder as she reached for a pillow to throw in my direction. As she threw it, the shorts slid down to her knees and she screamed while hastily pulling them back up. She was well covered by my shirt so I didn't get to see anything but I teased her anyways.

"I know you asked to come over Ana, and I allowed it, but I'm not that kind of a guy. Do you think I'm that easy? Trying to seduce me?? Shame, shaaameee" I acted out my favourite scene from GOT.

Ana began to giggle and We were both in tears when I heard my front door open. I looked over in disbelief  and felt the blood drain from my face when I saw her standing there glaring at the both of us.

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