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I watched as the detective left with the new evidence in her hand. Before leaving she told me she would be in touch real soon and not to leave the city. I rolled my eyes. Can that get any more cliche.

Terry took photos of the paper and sent it off to Michael, only after promising detective Monroe that they would report any and all findings to her and her people. She didn't look happy with with her decision but kept her end of the bargain.

Terry provided me with a debrief of what happened, where we stood, what I did right and what I did wrong. I hated feeling like I disappointed him. After he was done he offered some encouraging words and left me to my thoughts.

I wasn't sure how the interview went, but i got through it and I wasn't in handcuffs just yet.

My phone went off and I checked to see who it was. I let out a noise in frustration.

"Ugh. Cole"

C: just making sure you're alive. Please don't ignore this message. You can ignore all the others, but I just want to know Elise didn't hurt you.

A: I'm fine. My stuff isn't though.

C: I know. I can replace some of the things she broke If you give me a list.

A: no. I don't want to focus on the past. I need to move on. I guess you can say she did me a favour. Less stuff to remember you by.

No C: I don't want you to move on.

I stared at the phone and felt a pang in my heart. This was the man I dreamed of marrying. I broke down and cried,once again, cursing myself as I did.

The sound of the front door sensor alarm going off pulled me out for my hysterics. I grabbed the nearest vase and approached the front door. Standing there, confused and with fear in her eyes was my mother.

"Mom. You need to put the code in."


"The CODE"


"Oh for the love of god" I walked Down the stairs. passed my mom the vase, and keyed in the code.

She looked flustered and was going and on, apologizing, and yelling about being startled and not remembering the code. She admitted not even remembering where I told her the code pad would be. All of this was clearly what I needed because I have never laughed so hard.

Once her shock wore off, she joined me.  I ended up shedding tears from laughter instead of pain for once

We got her settled in and I updated her with the developments of the last 24 hours. She was relieved that things seemed to be going my way and cried way too hard. I sat there consoling her instead of the other way around.

I grabbed some wine and poured us two glasses , my mind going back to the day I caught Cole. I shook my head and sat down passing my mom a glass.

"Well, what should we do for dinner?" My mom asked "I can whip something up quickly, what do you have in the fridge?"

Before she got up to check I stopped her.

"There's nothing in there, let's just say I haven't had a chance to do much this past week"

"Ok, well I can run out and get something" she took out her phone and started searching a grocery stores near us.

"Mom, we haven't seen each other in ages. Why don't I take you out." I watched as my mom shook her head,

"I don't want to be an inconvenience, I'm here to help" she responded

"Mom, this would help. I need to get out of the house. Do myself up. Look human for an evening and feel good about myself" I clapped my hands making it final.

"Fine, where are we going?" She got off the couch and started pulling her suitcase towards the spare room.

"I know just the place. Dress nice" I yelled as she closed the door.

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