My place

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"Well, I'm kinda hungry and could totally go for some food. Any ideas?" I asked, hearing my stomach rumble for the second time since we got in the car. Although the hospitals event was catered, up until now I didn't have much of an appetite.

"I think I know a good place" Marcus smiled and began driving a familiar route. Soon we were parked in front of Lukas restaurant. I didn't think he'd be open at this hour but the lights were on inside the building. 

"Hey, Before we go in, I just want to check to see how you're doing Ana, Today was a pretty crazy night and if you're not ok you can tell me" Marcus reached over and squeezed my hand.  I could feel my heartbeat speed up at his touch and the car suddenly felt very warm and very small.

"I'm ok, I think. Honestly I don't know. There's still a lot that needs to be done and, although I exposed Elise, there will always be people that will question my involvement. And then there's the cole situation. That's still something I have to figure out." I sighed and looked out the window. I could feel tears pooling in the corners of my eyes threatening to spill out.  I took a couple of deep breaths and held them back in. I didn't want to cry again and felt like that's all I was doing these days. 

"You know I'm going to be there for you Ana. If there's anything you need, just ask" Marcus spoke trying to sound reassuring. I offered a small nod and unbuckled my seat belt.

I didn't know how to answer that statement.

I wanted to believe him but I didn't know if he actually meant it, and Even if he did, I didn't know in what capacity. I decided I'd rather not know the answer and stepped out of his vehicle.

As I entered the restaurant I could see Michael, Terry, and Luka sitting around a table in a deep conversation. I could tell that Michael was filling them in about the nights events as he was waving his arms and hands around speaking extremely animatedly and loud. As he noticed me enter, he got up and ran towards me, picking me up into a bear hug.  Seconds later I was engulfed in another hug by Terry then Luka. By the time I sat down their cheerful moods spread and I was grinning from ear to ear.

"I want to make a toast" Luka grabbed another bottle of wine from behind the bar and topped up everyone's drink. "To ana"

"To Ana" everyone spoke in unison.

"I can't thank you guys enough, for everything. I owe each and everyone one of you my life" I glanced around the table feeling a warmth spread over me.

"What did Luka do. He doesn't deserve your life" Marcus pouted and everyone Burst out laughing. 

"I was pretty much starving before we got here. He fed me. I'd say he saved my life" I broke off a piece of bread and threw it at Marcus. As it hit his shoulder he pretended to be overly distraught at my actions and I couldn't help but to laugh.

As the night wound down, Marcus called his driver to grab us and offered everyone else a ride. Luka and Terry declined, taking an Uber instead, and Michael climbed into the back seat barely keeping his eyes open. As we got on the road, I could hear gentle snoring coming from his direction.

Noticing him dozing off, Marcus took out his phone and started scrolling. A minute later I got a ding on my phone.

M: did you have fun?

A: maybe.

I grinned and he rolled his eyes.

M: dinner tomorrow?

A: maybe

M: my place tonight?

My eyes shot up and saw him smiling mischievously. It was my turn to roll my eyes as I put my phone away not giving him an answer. I wasn't going to run to his bed just because he asked. 

"I'll take that as a no?" I saw a flash of disappointment on his face but ignored it. If he wanted me he would have to work a lot harder than that. I gave myself to him once and it left me with nothing but pain.

"I'm tired, and besides my moms still at my house and I'm not in the mood to tell her where I spent the night" satisfied with my answer he leaned over and spoke with his driver. A few minutes later we were turning off onto my street.

As we pulled into my house I could see a figure sitting on my steps in the dark.  I didn't need a light to realize who that was. I would recognize him anywhere.

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