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"Oh hell no" was all I heard before Marcus jumped out of the car and made his way towards Cole. I could barely exit the car fast enough to try and stop him. I hoped I was successful before any arguing or fighting started outside my house. I was already embarrassed about the police being there a few days earlier and didn't want the neighbours talking.

"What the fuck are you doing here" Marcus yelled. I could tell he was trying to control his anger but felt it radiating off of him.

"I just wanted to talk to Ana. Whether she wants to or not this needs to be done. We need to do this Ana.... We need to talk" I could see Cole pleading with me. He looked disheveled and beaten down. My heart hurt seeing him like this and had to stop myself from going to him.

"Marcus just go, I can handle this. He's right, me and him need to talk" I hoped Marcus would be willing to back down. I didn't need to fight with anyone else tonight. I would have enough of that with cole.

"Fine, but if anything happens...." before Marcus could finish the sentence he was cut off by cole.

"You fucking think I would lay a finger on her" cole advanced at Marcus with his fist clenched. I stared in horror as I braced for what would happen next. Suddenly the porch light turned on and my mom stepped out of the house.

"Is everything ok out here?" she focused her attention on Marcus and Cole. I let out a breath of relief and thanked her internally for her perfect timing.

Everything and everyone stopped.

Marcus took one last look at me and started walking towards his car.

"Call me when you get inside" was all he said and and then he was fine.

"Do you want me to stay out here?" my mom offered while glaring at Cole.  I shook my head no and she went back inside leaving the door open. I know she didn't feel comfortable leaving me out here with him and I was grateful for the little bit of privacy she did give me.

Cole sat back down on the step and gestured for me to sit with him. With a heavy sigh, I sat down beside him and stared out onto our street. After a few minutes of silence cole finally spoke.

"How are you holding up?"

"How do you think I'm holding up?" I scoffed at him. "Why were you sitting out here?"

"Your mom wouldn't let me in the house nor would she talk to me" he tried to smile but it fell flat "look, I know this means nothing but I'm really sorry"

When I didn't answer he continued "I need you to forgive me Ana, I can't see my life without you. I know I fucked up but I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I will quit my job, I will give you access to everything. We can go away to anywhere you want. I will do anything"

"No Cole. That's never going to happen. You were my world. My everything. I wanted to be your wife" I thought about what I wanted to say next but nothing seemed like it was the right thing "instead of living and treasuring what we had, you decided to sleep with my best friend, repeatedly, for god knows how long. You think I can just forgive that and move on? Pretend like nothing happened and play the part of your loving girlfriend. Never. You are no longer anything to me"

I could see cole begin to break. The face that I once loved twisted in pain. He reached into his jacket pocket and before I knew what was happening he was down on one knee.

"I'm sorry. I am a piece of shit Ana, and I don't deserve you, But I need you and will prove to you that you're everything to me. Please make me the happiest man in the world and accept my proposal. Marry me Ana and I swear you won't regret it"

I stared down at the ring in disbelief. Anger and sorrow hit me at the same time. For years I waited and dreamed for this moment. I tried to convince him that we would be perfect together, a happy couple that could have it all. I wanted to be his wife and have a family.

"You selfish bastard" I screamed and before I could stop myself, my hand connected with his cheek. I felt my hand sting from the impact. "I dreamed of my proposal since I was a little girl. You destroyed my happiness and took everything from me. Now you took my dream of the perfect moment as well"

He looked at me in disbelief. He tried to speak but I stopped him before he could get another world out.

"Me and you are over. We will never be together again. I hope you spend the rest of your life regretting losing me. Because I'm amazing and any man would be thrilled to be with me. I treated you with love and respect and you didn't return that in any capacity. I hope my face haunts your dreams every night because after tonight you will never see me again. I will leave this house. The lawyers can deal with you. I will change my phone number and make sure you never get it, and if I stay at the hospital I will make sure you never step foot in it. You are nobody to me and I'll make sure that I become a nothing but a memory. Now leave before I call the police"

And with that I turned around and walked into the house slamming the door behind me.

Revenge on my cheating BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now