Chapter 4: A Problem

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Chapter Description: Theo and Liam discuss Stiles's relationship to Theo. This discussion reveals an issue for Liam's pack.

Theo leaned against Liam's chest as they sat outside. He could instantly tell something was bothering him. However, he decided to wait until Liam spoke up.

"Who was that guy you were speaking to in the lunchroom," Liam asked, gently trailing his nails along Theo's left arm, "Seemed like he knew you already..."

"He's an old friend," Theo said, shrugging, "Why?"

"Is he going to be a problem," Liam asked, jealousy coating his voice.

"No," Theo said, muffling a laugh, "He's nothing to me, Liam. Believe me."

"I hope so," Liam said, noticing his pack walk up, "Hey, guys."

"Hey, man," Mason said, sitting down with Corey, "You two doing okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine," Theo smiled, "You all adjusting okay?"

"Adjusting slowly more like it," Brett sighed, "But we'll be okay."

"What about you," Liam asked, making sure to check on everyone in his pack, "Hayden? You okay as well?"

"Yeah," Hayden said, "But out of curiosity, you two find someone else to have joined our pack yet? Liam mentioned getting another werewolf after all."

"Not yet," Theo said, "Still searching for a good match for this pack. Although, I know that if we're going to find another werewolf Beacon Hills is the place to go, trust me. This place is crawling with the supernatural."

"Besides it was either this or searching for Mystic Falls," Liam said, "We all know Mystic Falls is myth. By the way, Mason I want you to search up everything you know about someone here."


"Who," Mason asked, sitting up.

"Someone by the name of Stiles," Liam said, ignoring Theo's irritation, "Track whatever information you can about him. Then bring it all back to me."

"Sure thing..."

"Okay, first off, why," Theo asked, "Because he bumped into me on accident?"

"No, Theo," Liam said, "Because something is off about him. I got a certain feeling when in front of him."

"What do you mean," Hayden asked curiously.

"I could be wrong," Liam said, "But I believe this Stiles may be actually be a problem for us. Something tells me he's not only human, but he's also a hunter. like he comes from a lineage of hunters. You already know what we do with hunters."

"We kill them," Theo said, recalling the past hunters who died at their hands, "We leave no survivors."

"Exactly," Liam said, his gaze going cold.

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