Chapter 13: Blood For Blood

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Chapter Description: Void finds Liam's pack and gets revenge for the injuries inflicted on Stiles's father, Noah.

Liam was laughing and talking with his pack. Hayden was bragging about kicking Noah's ass boldly.

"If we didn't send a message before, we've definitely sent one now," Hayden laughed, resting her head on the couch cushion.

Mason went to check for any missed messages only to realize he didn't have his phone on him.

"I left my phone in the car," Mason said, patting his pockets, "I'll be right back."

"Hurry up man," Liam said, watching his best friend walk outside, "Pizza is going to be here soon."

Mason went to his car, unlocking the front door. He leaned forward, grabbing his cell phone off the dash.

"Hi there."

Mason hit his head lightly before looking behind him. His breath was caught at the sight of Void standing there, smiling at him.

"I want to speak to someone inside the house," Void explained, "Tell them to let me in peacefully. And if they fail to..."

Void grabbed Mason's face so tightly he felt like his jaw trying to dislocate itself. He gave a strangled cry of pain.

"I will drain the lifeforce of everyone in that house," Void said, smiling sadistically, "Then I will go after everyone you all love. No one will escape my wrath. Understand?"

Mason made a sound agreeing to the terms Void set out.

"Good boy," Void said, letting go of his face, "You have less than 15 seconds before I walk inside."

Mason went inside and looked at Liam with fear in his eyes.

"We have a guest, Liam," Mason said, glancing at the door, "He wants to come inside peacefully. I think it'll be best if we let him... For our family's sake."

Liam had a look of confusion until Void stepped inside. His good mood and smile evaporated in little time. Mason quickly moved to be next to Corey.

"Here's the deal," Void said, pacing slowly in the living room, "I'm going to ask you all a question. I expect a direct answer. If you don't give me one then there will be consequences. Make any sudden moves..."

Liam lunged at Void, who grabbed him by the throat. He stared into his eyes evilly. Liam attempted to get free, clawing at his arms and stomach. All his claw marks only healed over.

"There will be consequences," Void said, grabbing Liam's fingertips with his free hand.

Liam screamed in agony as Void tore his claws off with a simple twist of his hand. Theo ran to grab him after Void dropped him.

"First question, are you all responsible for Stiles's father being mauled," Void asked.

"No," Liam lied.

Void mocked him with a pout. Then grabbed Liam's other hand, ripping the claws off that one too. Liam cried out in pain as blood poured from his fingers.

"Another rule," Void said, dropping the bloody claws on the floor, "Don't fucking lie to me. I will know if you do every single time. Let's try again. Are you all responsible for what happened to Sheriff Stilinski?"

"Yes, but..."

Void took a nearby lamp and smashed it against Hayden's head, making glass stick against her skull. Hayden struggled to keep her eyes open as blood began dripping into them. She tried to steady her breathing but didn't dare remove the glass yet.

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