Chapter 36: The Unsaid Goodbyes

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Warnings: Suicidal Ideations; Violence; Major Character Deaths; Supernatural Violence; DID Symptoms; Survivor Guilt; Heavy Alcohol Usage

Chapter Description: The final battle comes to end for the family. They put all their training into motion to take down their biggest adversary yet, God.

Stiles opened his eyes as he realized the bullet didn't hit him. Chuck was standing up as Lucifer and Jack both lunged for the bullet but Jack caught it. Now they were both glaring daggers at Chuck. His eyes changed to blue and black as he grinned widely.

"Now it's party," Chuck smiled.

Lucifer charged at Chuck as Jack did too. They hit him in unison but he blocked it, causing a loud boom.

"Stiles, time to move," Dean shouted.

He got up and ran to give Noah his mask as he also worked to get the collars off the magic users. As soon as Kai's collar was off he attacked Chuck rapidly and angrily. Bonnie helped him and so did Rowena. Chuck pushed their magic back blasting them to the wall. Lydia pushed a sonic scream at Chuck knocking him across the room. He knocked her unconscious after noticing how she managed to actually do damage. What no one did notice was the slight terrified look he had on his face.

Stiles finally ran in the way and screamed letting his energy fire directly at Chuck. His wings expanded as fire shot at Chuck harshly. Stiles began sliding back until Jack and Scott grabbed his hands, forging more power into his attack. Chuck still was fighting back as slowly one by one they all grabbed each other hands to feed more power to Simargl and Nogitsune. Stiles glanced at Noah and smiled. He closed his eyes and stopped his attack.

The witches finally began chanting a spell to give Chuck's essence to the earth, rendering him human. He looked up as Liam walked up to him.

"Gonna kill me, little boy," Chuck mocked.

"No... She is," Liam said, stepping aside.

Lydia walked up, making Chuck pale in color. It wasn't because she managed to push him with her scream. It was because he knew what Lydia Martin was. She wasn't a banshee. She was the daughter of death. She was the one who was truly prophesied to kill god in the book of death.

"No, please, I can... I can explain..."

"Where's Mikael," Lydia asked, tilting her head.

"He's gone," Chuck said, "He ran away... Lydia, please... You're a good girl. You don't want to do this..."

"Want to know something insane," Lydia said, "I've been dreaming about killing you ever since I heard you betrayed us."

She grabbed his neck as Cerberus circled them. She pulled his head back, exposing his throat.

"Retrieve his heart."

Chuck screamed in agony as Cerberus ripped his throat open and leaving not even his face recognizable. The large dog dropped his heart at her feet before running off.


Everyone looked over as Stiles fell to the ground.

"Stiles," Noah shouted, running over.

He flipped him over as Stiles looked at him. He reached for his hand, which prompted Noah to give him his.

"I love you, dad," Stiles whispered, transferring his abilities to Noah.

He felt a buzz travel from his hand and through his body. Noah shivered as a chill ran through him.

"Stiles, what's happening," Noah asked, his eyes flashing purple, "Stiles? STILES?! SON, WAKE UP! PLEASE WAKE UP! STILES, PLEASE! I... I NEED YOU, SON! PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE WITHOUT YOU!"

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