Chapter 25: Alternate Reality

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Chapter Description: When the portal mistakenly zaps the gang to different places, Dean, Sam, and Castiel meet their alternate versions of themselves, Misha, Jensen, and Jared.

Dean was zapped inside a large kitchen of a house. He looked around, confused.

"Sammy? Sam," Dean called out.

Suddenly he heard a voice that sounded oddly like his own. He hid behind a counter and listened closer.

"Babe, I know, okay. I'm sorry. We can get carried away with our pranks," Jensen said, walking mindlessly into the kitchen, "But you got to admit it was pretty funny. I'm sure you automatically forgive him once he starts calling you brother, but I can try..."

Jensen continued talking on the phone while going to the sink. Dean attempted to sneak away but accidentally bumped into a chair. He cursed quietly as Jensen finally realized he wasn't alone. He turned around and froze at the sight of Dean.

"Uh, give me a second," Jensen said, placing the phone at his side, "Who the hell are you?! And how did you get into my house?"

"Well would you believe me if I said I did it on accident," Dean asked.

"No... I wouldn't," Jensen said, "What do you want an autograph or something? Is that why you're broke in, cosplaying exactly like Dean Winchester?"

"You mean, you're not Dean," Dean asked with wide eyes, "Or another version of Dean? Who are you? What's your name?"

"You don't know who I am," Jensen scoffed.

"I thought you were an alternate version of myself," Dean said.

"No, I play Dean Winchester," Jensen said, shaking his head, "Who did you say you were again?"

"Dean Winchester," Dean introduced, "The real Dean Winchester. You are?"

"Jensen," Jensen said, clearly disturbed, "My name is Jensen Ackles. What the hell is going on? Okay. I have to be dreaming or something, right? This can't be real. You're fake. You're a character I play on a tv show."

"I have to find, Sam," Dean said, shaking his head, "I'll show myself out."

"I wouldn't go that..."

Dean started walking, but stopped at the sight of the two large dogs. They both growled at him, recognizing that he wasn't their owner.

"Nice puppies," Dean said, stepping back slowly.

The two dogs got up, still growling and baring their teeth. Jensen whistled, making the dogs look his way.

"Outside," Jensen commanded.

They ran out the dog door, and Jensen locked it.

"Like I said, you don't want to go that way," Jensen said, "Now, Dean, right or whoever the hell you may actually be? Why don't explain how this happened? We can go from there, okay?"

Dean noticed Jensen's position was defensive. Like he was worried that Dean was going to hurt. Which he would've he knew where the hell his guns and knives were. But that's beside the point though. Dean was expecting hostility from his alternate. Now he feels like he's being too aggressive with the poor guy. Also why did his name sound so familiar?

"This is going to sound bizarre, but I didn't come alone," Dean said, "I have to find my brother and angel. So I can't really sit here and play 21 questions."

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