Chapter 34: 5-Star Restaurant

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Warnings: Supernatural Violence

Chapter Description: The team all go the restaurant that was written in the letter. When they arrive all of their hostage loved one are there on display.

Stiles adjusted his suit when Derek walked in. He watched him for a while, smiling. It didn't take long for Stiles to notice him in the mirror.

"Like what you see," Stiles smiled.

Derek chuckled and walked in.

"You look really handsome by the way," Stiles said, kissing him gently.

"Thanks," Derek said, "Listen, babe, there's so much I want to say but..."

"Derek, I know," Stiles whispered, "It's okay."

Derek rested his forehead against Stiles's.

"We're going to be okay," Stiles whispered, "I'll make sure of it."

Sam knocked on the door and opened it. He looked at them with gentle eyes.

"You boys ready," Sam asked.

"Yep," Derek said, looking at him.

"We'll be waiting in the car," Sam said, closing the door.

Derek walked out with Stiles, getting into Dean's impala. Dean glanced in the rearview mirror as he started driving. Stiles leaned into Derek, sighing deeply.

"Stiles... Stiles."

Stiles opened his eyes to see the city lights of New Orleans rolling by. The sun was going down letting Stiles know it was time to get ready for a battle. Dean parked his car next to Klaus, who was waiting for them. He pushed himself off his car and walked over to Baby, leaning down. His white dress shirt allowed a small view of his chest as spoke.

"Lucifer said everyone is alive for now," Klaus said, "Are we ready for this?"

"As ready as we'll ever be," Dean sighed, turning his engine off.

They all met outside the front door.

"Everybody watch each other's backs when we go in," Dean commanded, opening the door so he can make sure everyone they're accounted for.

Noah felt Klaus intertwine their fingers together. He felt his body relax a little.

"Hi," Sam greeted.

The waitress looked up and saw them standing there.

"You're all here for Chuck's dinner party," she asked.

"Yes," Sam said.

"Great," she said, "Follow me."

They followed her to the back of the restaurant and through some double doors. Inside all the hostages named in the letter were there. Marcel's eyes widened at seeing Klaus and his family walk in. Rowena stared at Lucifer who kept his attention focused on Stiles, Peter, and Castiel.

"The host should arrive soon," the waitress said, "But I heard some of you were vampires so..."

She cut her wrist and poured her blood into cups.

"Let me know if a refill is needed," the waitress said, walking out of the room.

Stiles glanced at the hostages.

"You okay, Rowena," Sam asked.

"Why is the devil here," Rowena growled, staring at Lucifer.

"Saving my brother," Lucifer mumbled.

Stefan ignored the cup of blood in front of him.

"You guys okay," Stefan asked, glancing at Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and Jeremy, "Anyone hurt?"

"We're fine," Elena reassured, "But Bonnie can't do magic."

"It's the collar around my neck," Bonnie said, "It's preventing me from..."

Damon put a finger to his lips. Hushing her quietly. Thankfully Bonnie listened to the direction given.

"What do you guys know about this Chuck guy," Rafael asked.

"He's my father," Lucifer said, "Trust me, not my first choice."

Rafael raised his eyebrows.

"You okay, Kai," Kol asked.

Kai nodded but was silent.

"What about you guys," Jack asked looking at Mason, Corey, and Brett.

"We're fine," Mason said, causing Corey to agree.

"Brett," Jack asked.

"I'm okay," Brett said, keeping his head lowered.

"Talbot," Liam said, his tone demanding.

Brett lifted his head to show the scar across his face.

"Why aren't you healing," Liam asked.

"I can't," Brett said, "Chuck made sure I couldn't."

Jack shook angrily. Klaus touched his shoulder.

"Calm yourself, Jack," Klaus said, "He'll be okay."

"How is this okay," Jack snapped, "How is any of this okay? This is bullshit! These people are innocent!!!"

"Jack... Jack," Klaus said, "Look at me. I'm right here. It's not fair, I know. It's frustrating and wrong..."

"He's supposed to be god," Jack said, "He's supposed to be good. He's supposed to care about us..."

"He wants people to believe he cares," Lucifer said, "My dad, always the one who craved worship... Pure devotion when he's done nothing to deserve it. For what it's worth, Jack, I'm sorry you have to go through this. I'm sorry you're caught in the middle. It's shitty but I promise you, that I will make sure we're okay."

Jack slowly calmed down.

"Where is he," Dean asked, looking around the room, "We're here, Chuck. So where the hell are you? Got a lot of nerve to demand us to show then bail on your own fucking party! So what? Are we able to go now?"

Stiles shifted his gaze to view the matter around him. If he could see Chuck's essence it'll let him know that he's nearby. Stiles stopped at a certain brightness outside the door they came from.

"He's been listening to us," Stiles said, "He's outside the door."

They turned their heads as the door opened.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you, Stiles," Chuck smiled, "But unfortunately, you've also been a pain in my behind. We can change that though by playing a little fun game. What do you say?"

"Kiss my ass," Klaus sneered.

Klaus doubled over as he began suffocating on nothing. He struggled to breathe as panic set in. Klaus began clawing at his throat with wide eyes.

"Father," Stiles said, standing up.

Chuck made Stiles sit back down.

"You're going to kill him," Stiles snapped.

"He's already dead," Chuck said, "Stiles Winchester, you come from a lineage of hunters. They're supposed to kill things like him."

Stiles looked at Klaus.

"You kill him and I'll have your head on a stick, you sorry son of a bitch," Stiles growled.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth," Chuck smiled.

Stiles struggled against Chuck's powers as Jack did too to help Klaus. Jack's eyes turned orange and Stiles's eyes changed to silver and purple. Chuck noticed the change in them and allowed Klaus to breathe. He gasped for air while coughing heavily.

"Father," Jack said, "You okay?"

"I'm fine," Klaus croaked, "I'm okay."

"Ready to cooperate now," Chuck asked, "Or do I need to convince more of you?"

They all went quiet, looking at Chuck.

"Good," Chuck said.

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